为什么陆地风暴不会使上层大气升温?-地江南体育网页版球科学堆栈交换江南电子竞技平台 最近30个来自www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 03 - 25 - t12:17:01z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/24832 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/24832 9 为什么陆地风暴不会使上层大气升温? ArktourosUltorMaximus7600 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/27863 2023 - 02 - 01 - t08:25:48z 2023 - 02 - 04 - t08:46:35z 我正在阅读一些关于木星的文章,当我偶然发现这篇文章,这篇文章说大红斑使上层大气非常非常热。就像“比熔岩热”一样。这显然是由于大的声波和大气引力波(不是引力波),当大口袋的空气碰撞时产生,产生巨大的湍流,将原子送入上层大气并加热:巨大的风暴发出大的声波和大气引力波-当大口袋的空气碰撞时产生-具有巨大的动能。使原子四处乱飞,并提高了光点上方的大气温度。

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然而,我来这里不是为了问木星的大红斑或任何天文问题。这些信息不会成为问题的实际部分,因为上面的信息只是暗示我从哪里得到这个想法。这篇文章只是勾起了我对大气物理学的好奇心。然而,让我们转向真正的问题。在地球上,我们确实有大风暴。不是行星大小的风暴,而是整个国家大小的风暴。 Typhoon Tip, for example, reached more than 2,000 km in diameter. Typhoon Tip also, was an incredibly turbulent environment, with air pockets colliding. Also, lightning and immense winds could have produced immense sound waves that could have scattered atoms away, and heated up the upper atmosphere to scorching temperatures. It's not just restricted to Typhoon Tip, other energetic hurricanes, like Katrina, Patricia etc. were extremely energetic hurricanes that could have produced sound waves and enough turbulence to heat up the upper atmosphere.

Aside from hurricanes, there are also a plethora of extremely turbulent phenomenon on Earth, such as supercells, derechos, squall lines and so on. These environments have a lot of wind shear, fast winds, updrafts and downdrafts, which have a knack for producing intense turbulence. Rain and hailstones colliding with each other, lightning forming, should produce enough sound and turbulence to heat up the upper atmosphere.

Yet this phenomenon does not occur on Earth. Earth's upper atmosphere is really, really cold, excluding the thermosphere, which is indeed scorching hot, but is diffuse and evenly heated, unlike on Jupiter, where storms heat up the areas of the upper atmosphere above them.

Why don't terrestrial storms heat up the upper atmosphere?

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/24832/-/24840#24840 4 为什么陆地风暴不会使上层大气升温? Moist_occlusion //www.hoelymoley.com/users/28422 2023 - 02 - 03 - t15:12:49z 2023 - 02 - 03 - t15:31:40z 首先重要的是要区分你所说的上层大气是什么意思。天气发生在对流层。对流层顶(对流层和平流层之间的边界,这是一个动态边界)通常防止两个低层大气之间的混合。气象学家通常认为上层大气是对流层的上层,通常关注的是250mb压力面级别的信息,那里通常存在急流。从这个意义上说,这两种热带气旋(更像热机)都将热量从地表向上输送到高层大气中。同样的情况也发生在温带气旋(锋面系统)中,冷空气在暖空气下面推动,抬升暖气团。在这两种情况下,热量都是向上移动的,但它可以自由地辐射到对流层上层的空间,因为对流层顶以上的大气对红外辐射几乎完全透明。就对流层上层而言,红外辐射不断向太空逃逸,大气运动也通过对流层上下移动热量。地球表面的所有红外辐射都试图逃逸到太空中。温室气体和云层主要减缓/阻止部分辐射的逸出。 That is why greenhouse gases (in appropriate concentrations) are necessary for life on Earth, without them, all the infrared radiation would escape to space and Earth would be unbearably cold.

The chemical composition at a given level in any planetary atmosphere determines how solar and terrestrial radiation will be "handled." On Earth, the ozone layer in the stratosphere interacts strongly with certain wavelengths of UV radiation, but not IR radiation. On other planets like Jupiter and Venus, there are gaseous compositions at upper levels of the atmospheres that may interact more strongly with IR radiation. Or, as you mentioned, may be heated by friction due to other forms of energy transfer.

Info on tropical cyclones: https://www.noaa.gov/jetstream/tropical/tropical-cyclone-introduction
