我在看NHK世界-日本的纪录片 40米海啸之谜,它分析了40.5米海啸在宫子,岩手县期间发生的2011年日本大地震和海啸。他们提到,当局计划安装水下压力表来评估水压,以预测未来的海啸高度,以避免像2011年那样措手不及。< / p >
The gauges are placed as follows:
Why not place gauges in a straight line instead of zigzags?
You see zigzags, yes I see them too, but I also see numerous straight lines connected as a loop.
Looking at the big loop, I see 20 sub-perpendicular lines radiating out from the coast. Each line is approximately straight. I've marked them in red in the picture below. The yellow line marks the return of the loop. It would also act as an initial warning sensor line. Each sensor on the yellow line would more or less line up with one of the red lines and thus serve to extend each of the red lines.
Regarding sensors on the lines connecting the ends of the red line, why not? It's potentially more data, that could be useful.