我那刻薄的表弟把一只猴子扔进了我在300英里处看到大云的能力里救命!-地江南体育网页版球科学堆栈交换江南电子竞技平台 最近30个来自www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 03 - 15 - t00:11:21z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/24994 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/24994 2 我那刻薄的表弟把一只猴子扔进了我在300英里处看到大云的能力里救命! 雅克Taulard //www.hoelymoley.com/users/28643 2023 - 03 - 05 - t01:52:52z 2023 - 03 - 08 - t19:43:04z

积雨云的顶部通常约为40000英尺,高度可超过60000英尺,分别在245英里或300英里外都能看到。 from 你能在多远的地方看到雷雨?


//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/24994/my-snarky-cousin-tossed-a-monkey-into-my-ability-to-see-large-cloud-at-300-miles/25011#25011 3. 我那刻薄的表弟把一只猴子扔进了我在300英里处看到大云的能力中救命! 大卫Hammen //www.hoelymoley.com/users/239 2023 - 03 - 08 - t19:43:04z 2023 - 03 - 08 - t19:43:04z 你表弟不像你想的那么疯狂。相关问题中的计算假设没有树木、建筑物、山丘或山脉,但也假设没有大气扭曲和折射。现在我将忽略最后两个因素。这个计算是指在这些条件下,人们可以看到非常高的云的顶部有多远。云层的其余部分将在地平线以下。这就是为什么古代人知道地球是球形的。一艘船从港口驶出,开始沉入地平线以下,最后只剩下桅杆尖上的一个乌鸦窝,然后那个乌鸦窝也消失了。当一艘帆船进港时,起初所能看见的只有望台。一开始,这和一块漂浮物没什么区别。类似的问题也出现在你几乎看不到顶部的遥远的云上。也许除了大气扭曲造成的模糊外,它几乎无法与更近但更低、更小的云区分开来。

你的论点唯一可取之处是大气折射。 The Sun is still below the horizon when we see the sun rise, and it appears to remain above the horizon after it has actually set. Atmospheric refraction will typically enable you to see more of that faraway cloud than a simple straight line computation. On the other hand, atmospheric refraction might preclude you from seeing even the very top of that faraway cloud. The atmospheric refraction index is roughly proportional to pressure but inversely proportional to absolute temperature. A very high lapse rate might well cause light to bend upward rather than downward. (This is why predicting the exact time of sunrise and sunset is rather difficult, if not impossible.)
