< p >新几内亚岛实际上是分为两个实体,巴布亚新几内亚的国家占据东部和印尼的西新几内亚占据了西方的一半。< / p > < p >没有已知<强>硬摇滚存款< /强>的铁矿石已经报道了岛上任何地方。< / p > < p >在印尼,截至2020年,在< a href = " https://www.mining-technolo江南登录网址app下载gy.com/marketdata/five-largest-iron-ore-mines-indonesia-2020/ " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " > < / >五大铁矿是:< / p > < blockquote > < ol > <李> Yiwan我李< / > < / ol > < p > Yiwan矿山位于南加里曼丹。它属于Yiwan挖掘。矿井生产在2020年估计有2.547吨的铁矿石。< / p > < ol开始= " 2 " > <李> Gag岛项目< /李> < / ol > < p >位于西巴布亚,插科打诨岛项目属于印尼Asahan铝。表面我的生产在2020年估计有1.06吨的铁矿石。我将操作直到2047年。< / p > < ol开始= " 3 " > <李> Pomalaa我李< / > < / ol > < p > Pomalaa矿山位于东南苏拉威西岛。它是由印尼Asahan铝和生产在2020年估计有0.943吨的铁矿石。< / p > < ol开始= " 4 " > <李>巴岛我李< / > < / ol > < p >巴岛,属于印尼Asahan铝、是我表面位于北马鲁古群岛。 The mine produced an estimated 0.515 MTPA of iron ore in 2020. - Nalo Baru Mine
Owned by Earthstone Holdings, the Nalo Baru Mine is a surface mine located in Jambi. It produced an estimated 0.027 MTPA of iron ore in 2020. The mine will operate until 2031.
As you state in our question, there a small number of hard rock deposits on smaller islands that are part of Papua New Guinea.
The only iron ore resource that occurs on the island of New Guinea are deposits of iron sands. They lie on the southern coast of PNG, around the coast of the Gulf of Papua. Currently, the main deposits are at Amazon Bay in the south east and Orokolo at the top of the gulf.

It appears the iron sands are associated with other mineral sand minerals that are zircon rich, with some deposits having titanium and others vanadium. The iron sands are composed of magnetite.