最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 08年- 08 - t07:27:45z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/2535 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/2535 3 关于森林火灾季节和使用机械设备火灾之前积极的努力
user128932 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/855 2014 - 09 - 26 - t04:38:27z 2020 - 09 - 25 - t04:21:57z < p >多年在美国有可怕的森林大火(例如);我想知道关于积极的措施(我肯定有很多)。一种可能性是使用一个小的机器人军队是为了去任何地方,像‘人工山羊吃任何干刷或草。当然另一群机器人可以使用当地的水从一个湖泊或流,充满说100加仑(如果设计)和喷水无处不在,即使没有火灾紧急情况。这可能听起来很可笑,但你有很多机器人derigibles携带超过1000加仑的水慢慢地漂浮在一个森林洒到处是水像一个温和的淋浴。所以某些“机器人军队”可以被用来对抗干旱森林? < / p >
//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/2535/-/2537 # 2537 3 答案由马克Rovetta关于森林火灾的季节和使用机械设备火灾之前积极的努力
马克Rovetta //www.hoelymoley.com/users/178 2014 - 09 - 26 - t14:50:17z 2014 - 09 - 26 - t14:50:17z < p >有人建议,正确地管理大型成群的山羊、牛、鹿、大象在陆地上是有效的防止沙漠化。所以也许这可以用来减轻条件导致过度的草地和森林火灾。也许你的想法会更有效地扩大如果机器人被设置为管理大型成群的动物,食草动物做什么来控制燃料,施肥,培养森林和草原。< / p > < p >也许“机器人牧羊人”而不是“机器人山羊”是你所需要的东西。< / p > < p >我真的不知道是否这是一个好主意但是您可能会发现这个< a href = " https://www.ted.com/talks/allan_savory_how_to_green_the_world_s_deserts_and_reverse_climate_change " rel =“nofollow”> TED演讲< / >使用股票动物防治荒漠化很有趣。< / p >
//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/2535/-/2539 # 2539 5 答案由大卫Hammen关于森林火灾的季节和使用机械设备火灾之前积极的努力
大卫Hammen //www.hoelymoley.com/users/239 2014 - 09 - 26 - t21:42:15z 2014 - 09 - 26 - t21:42:15z < p >这是适得其反,生态和经济,也远远超出了当前机器人的能力。< / p > < p > < >强生态适得其反< /强> < br >森林已经进化到住在一起,并在许多情况下,取决于森林火灾。由美国林务局积极防火和其他机构在20世纪的大部分时间里导致意想不到的后果。许多本地物种需要火来繁殖。例如,松果,海滩松树仍然密封关闭多年,只有打开暴露在高温的一场森林大火。几十年的积极灭火导致更换一些本地物种的入侵。< / p > < p >另一个意想不到的后果是使大型火灾更大。最严重的火灾发生的一些地区发生了小火灾成功地抑制了许多年。无用的合成积累、刷和小树木给火灾蔓延到树冠层次,没有发生的事情经常定期小火燃烧时,低水平的燃料。< / p > < p > < >强经济适得其反< /强> < br >火威胁最大的人是那些坚持生活在森林地区,然后让树木种植他们的房子旁边。最简单的解决方案:不这样做! The Forest Service and others offer education to homeowners on how to make their homes more fire resistant, and in some cases, polices areas to ensure homeowners are following some minimum standard.

Another solution, one not yet adopted by the Forest Service, is an approach taken by the Federal Emergency Management Agency with regard those who live in the most flood-prone areas. After flooding one too many times, FEMA essentially forces homeowners to sell their houses at market value to FEMA. FEMA then promptly tears them down and marks the area as uninsurable. This might appear to be a waste of money, but in the long run it saves FEMA money, and potentially saves lives. Texas and some other states take even more drastic measures with coastal properties. A house is condemned once the coast line has eroded to the point that it is closer than some minimal distance of the house.

We can't build such robots, yet
The terrain where forests grow is not exactly suitable to robots. Much of the forested land in the contiguous US is mountainous. What isn't mountainous is dotted with bogs, swamps, and lakes. The weather is often rather nasty. An autonomous robot that could navigate and survive through such terrain is far in the future. Adding the ability to clean up terrain is even further in the future.

Aggressive fire suppression requires clearing out shrubs such as chaparral, which is rather tough stuff, dead and down trees that can be several meters in diameter, and small to medium sized non-canopy trees whose trunk can be up to a meter or so in diameter. This is not the job for little goat-sized robots. This is a job for an industrial-sized robot, and ED-209 won't cut it.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/2535/-/20255 # 20255 0 LazyReader回答的关于森林火灾季节和使用机械设备火灾之前积极的努力
LazyReader //www.hoelymoley.com/users/21028 2020 - 09 - 25 - t04:21:57z 2020 - 09 - 25 - t04:21:57z < p >火在陆地生态系统中所扮演的角色西方(尤其是美国)是很好理解的。灭火,导致我们现在的灾害。火了一个重要的利基在温暖的生态系统;替代品的角色通常用于土壤的分解者(真菌/细菌),但燃烧木质碎片和植被释放溶物质和土壤碳植物生长至关重要。——它席卷了杂草,窒息森林地板,让继任者树木继续增殖。这样巨大的红杉品种——消除竞争杂草/生物-手写营养(灰)重返土壤,用干生态;木头不分解速度快;所以火木/植物转化成灰溶水。——生产乙烯气体(天然植物增长助推器)——热/烟火灾升温锥的针叶树树打开,释放着种子,触发植物休眠躺在土中< / p >