什么构造机制导致新西兰南北岛地质不同?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换
最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 08 - 19 - t15:58:33z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/2602 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/2602 14 什么构造机制导致新西兰南北岛地质不同?
user889 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/0 2014 - 10 - 09 - t07:58:24z 2014 - 10 - 13 - t01:13:03z < p >新西兰是一个非常活跃的地震和火山地区的太平洋火环”断裂带,在澳大利亚和太平洋板块的边界;然而,是有区别的两个岛屿:朝鲜岛上的火山和地震和地震只在南岛(见下面的地图):< / p > < p > <强>位置新西兰火山< /强> < / p > < p > < img src = " https://i.stack.imgur.com/vGL6p.gif " alt = "在这里输入图像描述" > < / p > < p > (< a href = " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ring_of_Fire " rel = " noreferrer " > < / >图像来源)< / p > < p > <强>新西兰地震地图< /强> < / p > < p > < img src = " https://i.stack.imgur.com/Fjrt3.jpg " alt = "在这里输入图像描述" > < / p > < p > (< a href = " http://info.geonet.org.nz/display/geonet/About +地理网”rel = " noreferrer " > < / >图像来源)< / p > < p > <强>是什么构造特性,占南北岛的区别?< /强> < / p > < p > <强>此外,这个边界将如何在未来发展(从地质学角度讲)? < /强> < / p >
//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/2602/-/2607 # 2607 10 stevej回答的什么构造机制导致新西兰南北岛地质不同?
stevej //www.hoelymoley.com/users/777 2014 - 10 - 10 - t02:44:39z 2014 - 10 - 13 - t01:13:03z < p >新西兰坐在斜会聚板块边界,太平洋和澳大利亚板块相遇的地方。两个板块之间的边界是你的第二个图所示为灰色线,与东部和太平洋板块向西澳大利亚板块。的相对运动,我们可以认为澳大利亚板块是静止和太平洋板块西西南方向的运动。太平洋板块的角度进入新西兰的澳大利亚板块沿长度变化——这是什么导致构造样式的差异,因此不同的火山和地震(运动)出现南北之间的岛屿。从北到南角变化由于:< / p > < ol > <李>太平洋板块的顺时针旋转,和李< / > <李>太平洋和澳大利亚板块会议以不同的角度。< /李> < / ol > < p >如果这个边界是直和太平洋板块移动正交,然后只会俯冲,太平洋板块的密度比澳大利亚。相反,如果太平洋板块平行移动到澳大利亚板块就没有俯冲。沿着新西兰这两个包(和之间的差异)是观察到,不仅是板块边界稍弯曲在新西兰的长度,但太平洋板块的运动顺时针旋转的一个组成部分。< a href = " http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0040195111002204 " rel =“nofollow”>羊(2011)< / >显示,70 - 90度的顺时针旋转边界/保证金在过去的2000万年,今天仍然发生。太平洋和澳大利亚板块之间的不同角度的十字路口沿着新西兰引起构造样式的差异,在火山和地震产生的差异和运动出现。 The figure in this section of the Geology of New Zealand Wikipedia page shows the variations of displacement vector (direction and magnitude of motion) along the length of New Zealand. Notice how the vectors are more orthogonal to the plate boundary in the North Island and become more acute in the South Island.

Subduction occurs in the North Island because the Pacific Plate moves rougly orthogonal to the boundary with the Australian Plate and is denser than than the crust around New Zealand; the Pacific Plate is composed mainly of basalt, while New Zealand is an amalgamation of different sedimentary and volcanic rocks. As the Pacific Plate is subducted is bends and breaks, causing earthquakes. It also melts, causing volcanoes. Notice how the depth of earthquakes in the North Island gets deeper to the west - this is due to the continued westward movement of the Pacific Plate even as it subducts under the Australia Plate.

Over most of the South Island the Pacific Plate moves roughly parallel to the boundary of the Australia Plate. The Southern Alps are caused by slight obduction (up and over movement) of the Pacific Plate over the Australia Plate.

To the south of the South Island the polarity of subduction is reversed, with the Australian Plate being subducted beneath the Pacific Plate (e.g. Randall, 2007).

This post is a huge simplification of the tectonics of NZ. The geology of this continental fragment is very complicated, but also very interesting! Have a look at this video to see how the plate boundary has changed over time.
