< p >讨论地球的体积,我们必须忽略它不是静态的但实际上高度动态。潮汐仅使高度相差50厘米。我的信息是来自2003年的一篇文章< a href = " http://www.esri.com/news/arcuser/0703/geoid1of3.html " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " > esri Witold Fraczek < / >。< / p > < p >正如你所说,我们有不同的理解。近似,简化计算(更快)。我们从球面到椭球大地水准面实际测量。这些椭球模型之一是< a href = " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Geodetic_System " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " > WGS84 < / >,仍保持着这一天。不过,当GPS时代开始,卫星,有一些严重的问题得到正确的高度。将不同约30 - 40米的地方。所以开发一个更好的模型。< img src = " https://i.stack.imgur.com/An6Bf.png " alt = " http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7a/Geoidheight_DE.svg/600px-Geoidheight_DE.svg.png " > (< a href = " https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File: Geoidheight_DE.svg rel = " nofollow noreferrer " > < / >) < / p > < h3 >大地水准面< / h3 > < p >大地水准面不像你会觉得容易计算。 The way it is actually done is by using gravitational measurements and the mean sea level (MSL). The image I used is from GRACE data, the most accurate model up to today. You can now use GIS to compute the variations from the reference ellipsoid.
The errors
Let me just quote from the article:
The maximum range of the Geoid99 undulations with respect to the WGS84 ellipsoid is 192 meters. The biggest anomaly was discovered southeast of India where the geoid is 105 meters below the ellipsoid, and its highest swelling was observed in eastern Indonesia.
The geoid99 is far from perfect (and there are many newer models). However, from this we can see that the maximum error is in the 100m range, very localized too. Earth's topology is rather insignificant compared to the entire volume. I will not put a number down, as I don't have time right now to do any actual computations, but as a qualitative analysis this should give a basic idea.