从天气雷达地图得到他们的数据在哪里?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换 最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 07 - 08 - t19:22:38z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/2959 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/2959 12 从天气雷达地图得到他们的数据在哪里? KingsInnerSoul //www.hoelymoley.com/users/1255 2014 - 12 - 05 - t17:34:02z 2019 - 04 - 29 - t16:40:23z < p >我看地图就像< a href = " http://weather.org/radar.htm " > < / >一个在线的新闻。一个移动地图显示云层和东西随着时间移动。他们得到的数据在哪里?从一个单一的源位置或多个位置?同时,它是免费的吗?它对公众开放访问吗? < / p > //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/2959/-/2961 # 2961 8 回答第2的从天气雷达地图得到他们的数据在哪里? 文学士 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/342 2014 - 12 - 05 - t18:28:44z 2014 - 12 - 07 - t08:12:31z < p >云雷达地图上所示是一个卫星照片被叠加到地图上。< p >雷达数据来自不同国家气象局气象雷达站。NASA卫星云提供数据。< p >的雷达和云图美国免费向公众通过< a href = " http://www.intellicast.com/National/Satellite/Infrared.aspx " rel =“nofollow”title =“Intellicast”> Intellicast < / >和< a href = " http://www.weather.gov/ " rel =“nofollow”title =“NWS”> NWS < / >(国家气象局)网站。这两个网站将有助于你学习更多关于这两种功能/服务。< p > < / p > //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/2959/-/2968 # 2968 13 由彼得回答从天气雷达地图得到他们的数据在哪里? 彼得 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/1265 2014 - 12 - 06 - t13:06:59z 2019 - 04 - 29 - t16:40:23z < p >图像显示了云主要来自地球同步卫星。地球同步卫星海拔约36000公里,这允许他们持续的监控地球的同一区域。他们住在赤道的位置相对于地球表面上方由于重力和离心力之间的平衡。There are a few such satellites designated to operational weather forecasting, notably:

These satellites contain passive remote sensing instruments measuring incoming radiation in a number of channels, mostly visible and infrared. Visible is only available during the day, while infrared is available all the time. Radiation is captured on lines of sensors by scanning the view, which generally takes a few minutes to complete. Geostationary satellites are unable to capture polar regions above a certain latitude, because of the angle.

In addition to geostationary satellites, there are polar orbiting weather satellites:

Polar satellites fly much lower (~800 km) and cannot provide continuous global coverage, only swathes along their orbits.

All of this data can be used in the assimilation (initialization) process of weather forecasting models. In turn, one can produce images of cloud cover from the output of the models, see e.g. wettercentrale.de.

NASA operates mostly research satellites, not so much operational weather satellites, although they do cooperate with NOAA on some of the missions. In Europe, the counterpart is ESA, who run some satellites on their own (e.g. Sentinel and in the past Envisat and ERS-1,-2) and cooperate with EUMETSAT.

The data from satellites is downlinked to communication centers (sometimes routed via other communication satellites), where it is processed by various algorithms into products (data files). Product files can be downloaded over the Internet by national weather services or are made available publicly to anyone (all data from NASA satellites is public - see e.g. NASA Global Change Master Directory).

Weather radars are generally located on the ground. They operate by sending short pulses of microwave radiation and measuring the reflected (backscattered) radiation from water/ice droplets. As the microwave radiation has relatively large wavelength (on the order of one millimeter), it is not very sensitive to cloud droplets, and you can see mostly bands of precipitation. Weather radars are operated locally by national weather services. You need roughly one per 250 km to get a good coverage. As with data from weather satellites, they are very important in assimilation of numerical weather prediction models. There are also spaceborne radars, e.g. DPR on GPM Core Observatory, TRMM, or CloudSat.
