为什么“灭绝”的概念是相对近期的发展地质?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换 最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 07 - 08 - t02:58:10z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/3054 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/3054 9 为什么“灭绝”的概念是相对近期的发展地质? Gimelist //www.hoelymoley.com/users/725 2014 - 12 - 15 - t17:02:43z 2016 - 09 - 13 - t12:47:37z < p >“灭绝”的概念,其灾难性的内涵,是一个相对最近的地质科学的发展。It evolved in the early 1980s, driven by two landmark publications in the journal Science:

Why did this idea develop only in the 1980s? It was known since the 19th century that extinctions had occurred. Even the stratigraphic time is divided into units constrained by different fauna found in the fossil records. What was it that made the change from a "gradualist" perspective of things to the "catastrophic" point of view?

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/3054/-/3076 # 3076 15 由plannapus回答为什么“灭绝”的概念是相对近期的发展地质? plannapus //www.hoelymoley.com/users/87 2014 - 12 - 17 - t08:08:42z 2015 - 04 - 24 - t07:19:11z < p >最近灭绝的想法不是实际上:<强>居维叶(1798)< /强>,< >强巴克兰(1823)< /强>和<强> d 'Orbigny(1851) < /强>例如已经谈论全球地球历史上灾难,导致灭绝。但在同一时期,<强>布罗基(1814)< /强>和<强>莱尔(1832)< /强>单独提出,物种灭绝发生,是一个渐进的过程(只与一个内在布罗基的类群长寿,或环境变化莱尔)。达尔文,莱尔后,也认为灭绝是渐进的,而不是灾难性的。他还指出,在化石记录中中断或人工浓度在某些地层可能显示明显的灭绝事件。< / p > < p >大规模灭绝的问题是为了展示他们的存在你需要能够展示灭绝同步性和量化濒临灭绝的物种数量(表明它不仅仅是背景噪音)。< / p > < p >展示一个灭绝的同步性是<强>阿尔瓦雷斯et al . 1980 < /强>设法做感谢K / Pg的铱层边界。更普遍的是,关联灭绝的可能性,恰恰是在与地层的演变进化工具,和1970 - 1980年代期间高分辨率地层方法产生(例如年代地层学、磁性地层学、稳定同位素地层学)。< / p > < p >量化灭绝就是杰克Sepkoski的纲要海洋无脊椎动物(见<强> Sepkoski 1978, 1979;。罗普,Sepkoski 1982 < / >强,等等)。今天,PbDb(古生物学数据库)是小说在具体问题的项目(见例如<强> Alroy et al . 2001 < /强>)。今天仍然是研究大规模灭绝的主要障碍。

Alroy, J. et al., 2001. Effects of sampling standardization on estimates of Phanerozoic marine diversification. PNAS, 98(11): 6261-6266.
Alvarez, L. W. et al., 1980. Extraterrestrial Cause for the Cretaceous-Tertiary Extinction. Science, 208: 1095-1108.
Brocchi, 1814. Conchiologia fossile subapennina, con osservazioni geologische sugli Apennini e sul suolo adiacente. Stamperia reale. (link to 1843 reedition)
Buckland, 1823. Reliquiae Diluvianae or, Observations on the Organic Remains attesting the Action of a Universal Deluge. Murray, London.
Cuvier, G., 1798. Mémoire sur les espèces d'éléphans vivants et fossiles. Mémoires de l'institut national des sciences et des lettres, 2: 1-32.
d'Orbigny, A. 1851. Cours élémentaires de paléontologie et de géologie stratigraphique. Masson, Paris.
Lyell, C. 1832. Principles of Geology. Murray, London.
Raup D. M. & Sepkoski J. J. Jr, 1982. Mass Extinctions in the Marine Fossil Record. Science, 215: 1501-1503.
Sepkoski J. J. Jr, 1978. A kinetic model of Phanerozoic taxonomic diversity I. Analysis of marine orders. Paleobiology, 4: 223-251.
Sepkoski J. J. Jr, 1979. A kinetic model of Phanerozoic taxonomic diversity II. Early Phanerozoic families and multiple equilibria. Paleobiology, 5: 223-251.
