乌尤尼盐湖上锂来自哪里?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换 最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 07 - 10 - t21:20:55z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/3121 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/3121 10 乌尤尼盐湖上锂来自哪里? Gimelist //www.hoelymoley.com/users/725 2014 - 12 - 23 - t06:46:24z 2015 - 01 - 03 - t17:35:38z < p >玻利维亚的阿塔卡玛高原拥有世界上大部分的锂储备。由于锂是溶解氯化锂的盐水,它使得萃取比另一种更容易:李轴承在花岗伟晶岩矿物。< / p > < p >卤水中锂的来源是什么?它来自哪里? < / p > //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/3121/-/3123 # 3123 9 user889回答的乌尤尼盐湖上锂来自哪里? user889 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/0 2014 - 12 - 23 - t08:43:32z 2015 - 01 - 03 - t17:35:38z < p >由于其日益增长的经济重要性,锂存款受到更严格审查,通过组织如美国地质调查局(< a href = " http://alaska.usgs.gov/staff/geology/bradley/pubs/2013_bradley_prelim_li_brine_model_of13 - 1006. - pdf”rel =“nofollow”> 1 < / >)。乌龙尼盐湖沉积在玻利维亚的存款的锂卤水进行建模和研究。< / p > < p >美国地质调查局指出,所有锂卤水矿床有非常相似的特征,气候上,他们是在干旱的环境中,在一个或多个含水层和有足够的时间积累的锂从风化过程,相关的构造设置,其他共性包括火山/热液活动和当地岩石学岩石(锂轴承)(< a href = " http://alaska.usgs.gov/staff/geology/bradley/pubs/2013_bradley_prelim_li_brine_model_of13 - 1006. - pdf”rel =“nofollow”> 1 < / >)。< / p > < p >乌龙尼盐湖的地质背景是被美国地质调查局(< a href = " http://alaska.usgs.gov/staff/geology/bradley/pubs/2013_bradley_prelim_li_brine_model_of13 - 1006. - pdf”rel =“nofollow”> 1 < / >)是位于玻利维亚和智利的高原——高,内部排水高原沿着安第斯的波峰收敛边界造山带,包括封闭的盆地。断层活动存在,导致在沉降,使沉积物积累。< / p > < p >观察霍夫斯特拉et al。(2013) (< a href = " http://econgeol.geoscienceworld.org/content/108/7/1691.abstract " rel =“nofollow”> 2 < / >)在美国类似的锂卤水存款得出结论,熔体夹杂物流纹岩中石英本文凝灰岩与热液矿床锡,钼和铍已经发现大量富含锂(1000 ppm)的顺序。霍夫斯特拉et al。(2013)从这些观察推测,锂的来源已经从附近的淋溶出随着时间的流纹岩凝灰岩的玻利维亚锡带的东部乌龙尼盐湖(< a href = " http://econgeol.geoscienceworld.org/content/108/7/1691.abstract " rel =“nofollow”> 2 < / >), (< a href = " http://www.osvaldoarce.com/Metallogeny.html " rel =“nofollow”> 3 < / >)。< / p > < p >锂由大气水淋滤出流纹岩,排入蒸发盆地和集中的地方干旱环境。< / p > < p > <强> < em >引用< / em > < /强> < / p > < p > (< a href = " http://alaska.usgs.gov/staff/geology/bradley/pubs/2013_bradley_prelim_li_brine_model_of13 - 1006. - pdf”rel =“nofollow”> 1 < / >)布拉德利et al . 2013, < a href = " http://alaska.usgs.gov/staff/geology/bradley/pubs/2013_bradley_prelim_li_brine_model_of13 - 1006. - pdf”rel =“nofollow”>初步锂卤水矿床模型< / >、< em >美国地质调查局打开文件报告2013 - 1006 < / em > < / p > < p > (< a href = " http://econgeol.geoscienceworld.org/content/108/7/1691.abstract " rel =“nofollow”> < / > 2)霍夫斯特拉et al . 2013, < a href = " http://econgeol.geoscienceworld.org/content/108/7/1691.abstract " rel =“nofollow”>硅酸盐熔体包裹体的证据极端预爆发浓缩和Post-eruptive损耗的锂硅的美国西部的火山岩:对富锂卤水的起源* < / >,< em >经济地质学< / em > < / p > < p > (< a href = " http://www.osvaldoarce.com/Metallogeny.html " rel =“nofollow”> 3 < / >) Arce-Burgoa戈德法布,2009,< a href = " http://www.osvaldoarce.com/Metallogeny.html " rel =“nofollow”>成矿的玻利维亚< / >,< em >金属的矿床的玻利维亚< / em > < / p > //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/3121/-/3185 # 3185 5 geogaffer回答的乌尤尼盐湖上锂来自哪里? geogaffer //www.hoelymoley.com/users/1396 2015 - 01 - 03 - t06:28:36z 2015 - 01 - 03 - t06:28:36z < p >添加Sabre牙齿的总结:< / p > < p >除了风化长英质的火山岩作为圣描述,另一个方面,多年来一直受到关注直接输入工资(或河岸)温泉来源。这个想法是,锂在岩浆,不仅仅是大气水。毫无疑问,温泉通常与锂卤水——但由于因果关系还不是结论性的,会有一个潜在的混杂变量。< / p > < p > Daisuke Araoka最近发表的一篇论文(2013),特别是一样覆盖在内华达州的霍夫斯特拉(2013),发现同位素证据源长英质的火山岩风化的温泉。所以辩论并不是结束。李有一些异常高水平的金银脉矿化毗邻克莱顿山谷。我不确定如何适合——Ag-Au矿化是有点老,但仍能与更大的故事。我不知道乌尤尼地区以及阿根廷发工资,但是我不认为那里的温泉模式已经被太多的虽然我做头发偶尔提到在阿根廷。< / p > < p >一个好的地球化学讨论提供了来源在安第斯山脉Risacher (2003)。他的工作也在开发勘探技术中的应用。的研究(即资金),进入斑岩矿床成因和勘探方法小矮人的数量进入锂卤水。 And much of the work that has been done has been by a few companies that have had no motivation to publish their work in the way that the academic groups researching porphyries have. Consequently there is still work to be done in this area. Risacher's paper, and others by him on the same subject are readable and interesting examples of applied geochemistry in genetic models and potential exploration methods.

Araoka, D., Kawahata, H., Takagi, T., Watanabe, Y., Nishimura, K., Nishio, Y., 2013, Lithium and strontium isotopic systematics in playas in Nevada, USA: constraints on the origin of lithium, Mineralium Deposita, v, 49, is. 3, pp 371-379

Risacher, F., Alonso, H., Salazar, C., 2003, The origin of brines and salts in Chilean salars—A hydrochemical review: Earth-Science Reviews, v. 63, nos. 3–4, p. 249–293.
