如何有机的化石保存在化石记录?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换 最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 05 - 05 - t22:30:26z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/393 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/393 11 如何有机的化石保存在化石记录? 猴免疫缺陷病毒 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/140 2014 - 04 - 21 - t18:38:32z 2014 - 08 - 20 - t07:19:23z < p >有机围墙化石没有硬矿化部分,它们是如何保存在化石记录的? < / p > //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/393/-/409 # 409 11 plannapus回答的如何有机的化石保存在化石记录? plannapus //www.hoelymoley.com/users/87 2014 - 04 - 22 - t07:07:21z 2014 - 08 - 20 - t07:19:23z < p > Organic-walled化石(是否他们是甲藻、花粉、孢子或“acritarchs”)共同点含有有机化合物称为孢粉素(孢子和花粉)或dinosporin(我相信,甲藻和acritarchs)。化合物都有化学和结构相似但单独出现。< / p > < p >这些化合物是非常耐药。给你一个想法,收集我们首先溶解硅质微生物化石沉积物与盐酸(盐酸)摆脱碳酸盐微化石。Palynologists(研究organic-walled化石)使用高频(氢氟酸)摆脱碳酸盐和硅质化石(如<强>哎1980 < /强>)。因此,孢粉素抵抗高频,ca的pH值。3。除此之外,他们也非常耐微生物降解(e . g。<强>甘迅尼,亚历山大1975 < /强>)。< / p > < p >却不耐氧化,因此,可能,为什么我们不找到更多的沉积物中。此外,打破孢粉素墙(为了研究内在的一面墙壁)可以使用超声波(e . g。<强>伦尼1968 < /强>)。< / p > < p >“Organic-walled”并不意味着没有困难的部分,它只是意味着没有“矿物”困难的部分。< / p > < p > <子>来源:< br >哎,我。,1980年。 Palynomorph preparation procedures currently used in the paleontology and stratigraphy laboratories, U.S. Geological Survey. Geological Survey circular, 830: 1-29.
Gunnison, D., Alexander, M., 1975. Basis for the resistance of several algae to microbial decomposition. Applied Microbiology, 29: 729-738.
Lennie, C. R., 1968. Palynological Techniques used in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 11: 1211-1221.

At the request of the OP, a little word on another group of organic-walled microfossil with a extensive, coherent Paleozoic fossil record: the Chitinozoans.

This enigmatic group was found by Eisenack (1931) and because of their resistance to acids & bases he thought they consisted of chitin, hence the name he gave them. However studies (Voss-Foucart & Jeuniaux 1972; Jacob et al. 2007) showed that they do not consist of chitin or any kind of chitin-like bioproduct but of a network of kerogen with aromatic compounds. The diagenetic path that lead to this chemical composition is however unknown, meaning that we know neither what was their chemical composition when those organisms (NB: we don't know as well what their biological affinities are, though metazoan eggs seem to be a popular hypothesis, see e.g. Paris & Nõlvak 1999) were alive nor how they preserved.

Additional sources:
Eisenack, A., 1931. Neue Mikrofossilien des baltischen Silurs I. Palaeontologische Zeitschrift, 13: 74–118.
Jacob, J., et al., 2007. New insights into the chemical composition of chitinozoans. Organic Geochemistry, 36(10): 1782–1788.
Paris, F. & Nõlvak, J., 1999. Biological interpretation and paleobiodiversity of a cryptic fossil group: The “chitinozoan animal”. Geobios, 32(2): 315-324.
Voss-Foucart, M.F. & Jeuniaux, C., 1972. Lack of chitin in a sample of Ordovician chitinozoa. Journal of Paleontology, 46: 769–770.
