高山片理-地球科学堆栈交换江南电子竞技平台江南体育网页版 最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 07 - 10 - t20:58:28z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/4231 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/4231 7 高山片理 少数民族工人 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/620 2015 - 01 - 09 - t21:59:36z 2015 - 01 - 11 t07:03:55z < p >我经常发现这个词< em >高山片理< / em > (< em > schistosite在法国阿尔卑斯山的< / em >, < em > scistosita阿尔< / em >在意大利)在文本高山地质学。的顺序有序阶段< em >高山片理< / em >生产不同片岩的绿叶的命名,在我读过的一切,_1美元美元,年代_2美元(和S _3美元)。< / p > < p >我认为美元符号新元_1,年代_2,美元……S _n”可能指的是美元任何命令造山阶段生产片理岩石上,任何地方,任何时候。如果我错了,请纠正我。< / p > < p >不过,我怀疑,在谈到新元_1 $ < em >高山片理< / em >,或者S _2 < em >美元高山片理< / em >,通常指一个定义良好的时间阶段的阿尔卑斯造山运动产生一个特定的片岩的绿叶。是这样吗?< / p > < p >无论如何,我必须的话,所有的片理,年代_1和S _2美元美元的地质阿尔卑斯山不一定指叶理生成阿尔卑斯造山运动期间,例如以来Brianconnais正片麻岩通常是区分一个Silurian-Ordovician新元_1片理和石炭系年代_2美元美元片理,阿尔卑斯造山运动之前生成的。我非常感谢你的回答!< / p > < p > * Vv.Aa。,< a href = " http://www.socgeol.it/551/2_-._Alpi_Liguri.html " rel =“nofollow”> < em >支克里< / em > < / >,由意大利地质学会编辑。< / p > //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/4231/-/4243 # 4243 3 答案为高山Gimelist片理 Gimelist //www.hoelymoley.com/users/725 2015 - 01 - 11 t07:03:55z 2015 - 01 - 11 t07:03:55z < blockquote > < p >我认为美元符号新元_1,年代_2,美元……S _n”可能指的是美元任何命令在任何生产片理岩石造山的阶段,在任何地方,在任何时间< / p > < /引用> < p >一般来说,是的。这不仅适用于阿尔卑斯山,而且对世界上任何其他造山带地区(例如喜马拉雅山脉,Arabian-Nubian盾)。注意,编号(n)美元非常松散。这一切都取决于研究的可观察到的岩石和重点是什么。< / p > < blockquote > < p >…在谈到S1高山片理,或S2高山片理,通常指一个定义良好的时间阶段的阿尔卑斯造山运动产生一个特定的片岩的绿叶。是这样吗?< / p > < /引用> < p >为例,我看到研究原始沉积叶理是称为S _0美元。而在其他地方,被称为S _1美元美元。谈论高山片理,你给了一个例子,年代_1和S _2美元是美元前-阿尔卑斯(华力西)。 On the other hand, another Briançonnais study by Ganne et al (2003), refers to S$_1$ as the first true Alpine schistosity and uses S$_{-1}$ for the pre-Alpine Variscan schistosities.

Note that the S$_{n}$ terms are used to describe schistosities. These are visual features observed in petrographic examination of rocks under the microscope. These are commonly open to interpretation and debate. You have to distinguish them from the D$_{n}$ events (deformation). S$_{n}$ features are usually used as a proxy for D$_{n}$ events, but it's not a one-to-one relationships. Let's say you know that 3 deformation events occurred in a rock. However, you can only see two schistosities. How do you call them? S$_1$ and S$_2$? What if you know that the first schistosity was erased? Do you use S$_2$ and S$_3$ then?

Again, these terms are used loosely and they may not be correlated between different areas and with time, unless mentioned explicitly in the study you are reading.
