Tim Woollings, an atmospheric dynamics researcher at Oxford University pointed out in an email exchange that over the Atlantic the jet stream was stuck, but was not meandering or slowed, however he did concede that the jet stream over the Pacific did match the hypothesis.(Yale Environment 360) The jet stream over the Atlantic reached sustained speeds over 230 miles per hour (370 km/h) during the winter,(Liam Dutton) reaching 275 miles per hour (443 km/h) on 22 December 2013. 30% stronger than the normal jet stream.
So yes, there is a theory which describes how warming can bring locally colder winters, but also, the science isn't exactly settled yet.
Addendum: here's a link to a good blog post on the matter Polar Amplification, Vortex Disruption to Set off Extreme Weather Events For US, UK Yet Again
An overview of the debate as of 2016:Wapo 2016