岩浆从1组和2组元素合成吗?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换
最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 07 - 10 - t01:42:54z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/4523 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/4523 8 岩浆从1组和2组元素合成吗?
ylluminate //www.hoelymoley.com/users/2575 2015 - 03 - 13 - t17:15:02z 2016 - 09 - 21 - t04:50:30z < p >我最近跟一个大学地质学教授在午餐有一个理论,我从来没有听过的。他的假定是非常引人注目的,我希望做一些挖掘,看看其他人有听说过这样的理论与任何支持的证据。显然这个家伙是在发现,但是还没有准备好释放他的发现。相当多的讨论只是过我的头,因为我从来没有在深度学习地质学。< / p > < p >他提出,岩浆实际上不是由热/压力增加,等等,而是它从催化反应生成大量大组1、组2与水的相互作用,地壳内金属的口袋或集群。< / p > < p >他进一步解释如何通过各种裂缝水进入这些口袋都来自我们的海洋和其他身体的水(注意的是一些来自去年的研究,研究人员发现难以置信的大量的水地下700公里)。一边注意的内容是关于岩浆岩在碱金属高得惊人,等。< / p > < p >当我指出的那样,很有说服力,但我从我的深度和我很好奇是否其他人听到等理论或见过这样的资料我很想更好地理解这个话题有点。< / p >
//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/4523/magma-resultant-from-group-1-and-group-2-elements/4526 # 4526 7 答案由Gimelist岩浆从1组和2组元素合成?
Gimelist //www.hoelymoley.com/users/725 2015 - 03 - 14 - t06:49:03z 2016 - 09 - 21 - t04:50:30z < p >让我们分解部分部分:< / p > < blockquote > < p >他提出,岩浆实际上不是由热/压力增加,等。< / p > < /引用> < p >没有一个单一的岩浆形成的机制。岩浆能通过加热形式,减压,渗透的液体(例如水)、稀释(通过光元素例如B, F P等)等等。这些都是良好的岩浆形成的方法,与大量的证据。这些证据包括独立观测地震学、地球化学、流体力学,可能最重要的实验模拟这些过程。< / p > < blockquote > < p >它从催化反应生成大量大组1、组2与水的相互作用,地壳内金属的口袋或集群。< / p > < /引用> < p >“金属口袋”我的意思是,你的意思是金属与金属价0 -即状态,而不是绑定和其他矿物质。这完全是不现实的——特别是对于组1和2金属。这些金属是高活性。只是在线搜索的视频”< a href = " https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query = % 20方钠”rel = " nofollow noreferrer " > < / >”钠。地幔有丰富的氧气在硅酸盐(绑定)和任何团体1或2金属将不存在。即使某种说不清的原因,它会发生,在哪里岩浆包含这些金属(比他们在自然的基础上发生在岩浆)? This simply doesn't make any sense.

He further explained how the water enters into these pockets via various fissures both from our oceans and other bodies of water (noting some study from last year where researchers found incredible volumes of water 700 kilometers underground).

First of all, the chemical and physical behaviour of water is completely different when you compare ocean floor settings and the deep mantle. Water may flow in fissures under the ocean, but once you get to several 10s of kilometres deep, the rocks become ductile and water can no longer flow in cracks and fissures. Regarding last year discovery of water in the mantle - this is really a sad story of poor science communication. What was actually discovered was that a certain mineral can contain water in its crystal structure. It's still a solid mineral and still a rock. Same like the water in concrete - it's not actually liquid water. See these two questions for more info:

What are the implications of the recent discovery that huge oceans exist close to the mantle of the Earth?

Do ringwoodite minerals point to an "ocean's worth" of water, or a true subterranean ocean?

One side note was regarding the contents of magmatic rocks being surprisingly high in alkali metals, etc.

Most magmatic rocks contain a perfectly reasonable amounts of alkali metals. There are some rocks that have high alkali contents (and they have funny names too!), but this is not something that requires a different explanation from what is known so far from experiments and other studies. Yes, there are rocks with abnormally high alkali contents, and there is still research going on in that subject.

but I was out of my depth

I think this is the key word in here actually. Perhaps that professor was "dumbing down" his ideas to make it more accessible? This occasionally happens with us scientists, and in a lot of cases the listener simply understands something completely different from what the scientist meant. Another example of poor science communication, unfortunately.
