北极光(通常被称为北极光)是一种令人着迷和迷人的景象,如此美丽,我只想触摸它,感受它。我应该吗?它会伤害我吗?< / p >
极光的最低范围在空中约100公里。你的问题不是电离气体,而是气压接近于零。此外,极光非常分散,每平方厘米最多只有几个发光分子。我不确定在那样的密度下你是否能分辨出你在什么东西里。< / p >
If you're in a spacesuit to survive the lack of oxygen, you might worry about the high-energy electrons that sometimes make it through to those altitudes, but fundamentally your problem is that you won't really be "touching the aurora" because you're in a space-suit and you can't really see that you're in it.
极光发射发生的高度是由Carl Størmer和他的同事发现的,他们用相机对12000多个极光进行了三角测量。他们发现,大部分的光产生于距离地面90到150公里之间,有时会延伸到1000公里以上。所以,触摸极光就是把你的手伸进坚硬的真空中。这可能会让一些人感到痛苦。< / p >
Whether you "should" or not is up to you.
其次,极光本质上是氮和氧分子发射的光子,所以你不能真正触摸它(就像你可以“触摸”太阳光一样)。即使是发射光子的气体也极其脆弱。极光在海拔90到150公里之间发射(即大部分在“官方”空间边界100公里以上),所以在极光中解开你的手可能是致命的(除非一位宇航员立即重新戴上你的手套并给你的宇航服增压)。< / p >
From this document it seems that going to a polar orbit only increases the radiation levels by about 10x compared to a typical medium-inclination orbit, so not enough to be immediately dangerous (but you wouldn't want to put your space station in a polar orbit). Most weather satellites have low polar orbits, I haven't heard of a higher incidence of radiation-induced failures compared to other satellites.
However, you will be bombarded with charged particles, because that's what the aurora borealis is — the solar wind impinging on the upper atmosphere. So, get some good shielding. Regrettably, in that case you won't see anything.
Virgin Galactic/Spaceport Sweden were planning to fly tourists through the aurora (Swedish language page) in sub-orbital spaceflights. I think they reneged on those plans after talking to local space physicsts, but I'm not sure. If you can lay down the 200,000$ for a ticket, they might take you on a sub-orbital flight anyway.