例如:的.csv样本数据GHCN Monthly摘要列出了ND. Petersburg 2010年每个月的EMXT(极端最高温度)。7月份的EMXT为317。我看了文件,但我不明白那个数字是什么意思。我知道在ND的任何时候都不是317F或C。他们把所有的临时工都加起来了吗?2010年7月每天都在10摄氏度左右吗?但你为什么要这么做? The .PDF data looks like actual temperatures, but I need a lot of data: .CSV is ideal; .PDF is really not useable for the amount of data I am going to manipulate.
What am I missing? Or is there another way to get this data?
EMNT -极端最低温度*
EMXT -极端最高温度*< /p>
Petersburg data looks plausible under this interpretation (EMXT −3.9°C to 33.9°C over the year).