地质学家如何找到矿床?-地江南体育网页版球科学堆栈交换江南电子竞技平台 最近30个来自www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 03 - 31 - t18:10:16z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/4848 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/4848 16 地质学家如何找到矿床? 本·霍利 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/2891 2015 - 05 - 10 - t07:18:51z 2021 - 05 - 12 - t10:38:18z 在我的研究中,有很多关于如何提取矿石的信息,但除了“寻找地表构造”之外,我找不到任何关于这些矿床最初是如何被发现的信息。那么,不同类型的矿石会形成什么样的地层呢?还有其他办法找到矿石吗?< / p > //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/4848/-/4849#4849 19 地质学家如何找到矿床? Gimelist //www.hoelymoley.com/users/725 2015 - 05 - 10 - t08:44:57z 2015 - 05 - 10 - t08:44:57z

这是一个价值数百万美元的问题!“寻找地表构造”确实是一种方法,也是过去勘探的主要方法。这并不一定意味着你能直接看到眼前的矿床。许多成矿系统都伴随着不同类型的蚀变(例如钾质或泥质蚀变),这些蚀变在野外并不难发现。一旦你看到它们,就有可能附近有矿床。其他表面方法包括,其中,查看河流沉积物。由于河流从上游运输土壤和岩石,对沉积物进行采样可能会揭示上游某处的某种感兴趣商品的异常情况。利用卫星数据也是可能的——通过观察某些波长,就有可能估计表面的矿物成分。这可能为矿化的可能性提供线索。我甚至看到人们使用生长在不同岩性上的不同种类的植被!< / p >

Surface methods, however, require that the mineralisation will be close to the surface, and the truth is that most of the ore deposits that satisfy that requirement have already been found. This is where geophysical methods come into place. Gravimetric, magnetic and seismic studies probe the earth below the surface and may provide exploration targets, which are then drilled to see what's actually in there.

Mineral exploration is a hard business with much more failures than successes. That said, cases of serendipity are not unknown in exploration. Also, changes in global economics, production costs and increasing/decreasing metal prices may change what is actually an economically feasible ore deposit. The metals are always there - but is it actually worth taking them out?

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/4848/-/4857#4857 13 回答mtb-za:地质学家如何找到矿床? mtb-za //www.hoelymoley.com/users/2514 2015 - 05 - 11 - t19:28:58z 2015 - 05 - 11 - t20:05:15z 除了上述情况外,人们还会寻找已知矿床之间的共性。例如,如果你在一个区域有很多金静脉,在另一个区域也有很多,那么你就会看到这些静脉形成需要什么。一旦你对形成矿石的可能方式有了合理的想法,那么你就有了可以寻找的东西。也许黄金与特定年龄范围的花岗岩有关,或者与特定的微量元素组成有关?因此,如果你去其他地方,找到了年龄和微量元素组成都合适的花岗岩,那么你就有理由怀疑该地区可能存在金脉。这种方法就是为什么你会经常听到“类型”的存款。这些矿床通常以一个特别突出的类型为例来命名,例如。还有一些是以矿床中存在的重要特征命名的,例如氧化铁铜金矿。因此,你可以缩小你可能发现东西的范围和位置,并使用@Michael在他的回答中提到的所有东西作为工具。


//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/4848/-/4871#4871 11 地质学家如何找到矿床? geogaffer //www.hoelymoley.com/users/1396 2015 - 05 - 15 - t18:24:41z 2016 - 09 - 28 - t14:35:58z 我在过去的几十年里一直在寻找这些东西,和其他地质学家一起做这件事,我们看到了我们是如何发现事物在某种程度上发生变化的。一个世纪前使用的许多方法现在仍在使用,只是经过了改进。因此,观察发现的矿床大小将随着时间的推移而改变。(一个简单的例子是,罗马人和他们的同时代人没有使用地球物理学,但他们确实在西班牙发现了大型铜矿。)矿床越来越难找。据估计,< a href = " https://books.google.nl/books?id=MjkqBAAAQBAJ& pg = PA6&液化石油气= PA6& dq =最+专业+露头+ + +国家+ +是+了+了+ +能力+ geologist&源= bl& ots = VmFYxutpqK&团体= wbDZ0K-VMLA8elZcZa3tMzg6zF8& hl = en& sa = X& ved = 0 ahukewjn4yaapllpahwk1rokhwh3as4q6aeihjaa # v = onepage& q = % 20大多数主要% 20露头% 20 % 20 % 20世界% 20 % 20被% % 20访问% 20 20 % 20主管% 20 geologist& f = false”rel =“nofollow”>“最主要露头世界被一位称职的地质学家访问过”但是我必须承认,我花了足够多的时间在偏远的地方来质疑这种说法。

勘探者出去碰碰石头是值得称赞的。我知道这听起来很简单,但勘探者们确实对寻找地点有很好的直觉,尽管他们没有应用我们今天喜欢使用的遗传模型。最终,走到野外,看看你能找到什么是关键。 There were also a lot of part time prospectors who were primarily out to hunt or trap.

It takes several rounds (or companies) to usually find a deposit. They are hard to find, and typically you run out of investment and luck before that happens. There are various estimates on how many tries it takes on average, but looking at prospective areas where there have been several in there before you is not a bad idea.

A third thing that can help is revisiting an area that was previously abandoned for a reason other than geology. This could be a small mine that lost its workers to natural disasters, wars or other economic conditions. The previous work may have stopped because the exploration was in the "too hard" category. This is good areas to revisit - particularly in improvements in technology have opened new geochemical or geophysical methods that can tip the balance from too hard.

I throw these three things into "how to find deposits" because even though they are not specific technical methods, they are very much the kind of things exploration geologists think about when selecting areas to use their resources.

* In: Achterberg, F. - Geomathematics: Theoretical Foundations, Applications and Future Developments
