最近30从 2023 - 07 - 10 - t05:52:23z // // 4 在线资源地理分布的矿物质
微分同胚映射 // 2015 - 06 - 15 - t18:33:17z 2015 - 06 - 16 - t05:58:32z < p >我想找到矿物的地理分布和可用性< a href = " - 754. - html”rel =“nofollow”>钛铀矿< / >。有资源网上知道或查询找到某些矿物在哪里?< / p > < p >在链接页面,他们提到某些类型的地球物理存款,这种矿物通常发现:< / p > < p > "在花岗伟晶岩和花岗质片麻岩;在硅化卵石集团;在热液石英和方解石脉;碎屑在砂矿”< / p > < p >如果前一个问题的答案是负的;网上会有信息地理分布的地质特征? < / p >
// # 4997 3 Gimelist回答的在线资源地理分布的矿物质
Gimelist // 2015 - 06 - 16 - t05:58:10z 2015 - 06 - 16 - t05:58:10z < p >你没有提到为什么钛铀矿感兴趣,所以我假设你想要作为一个收藏家的标本,而不是微观晶体。< / p > < p >不幸的是,没有明确的来源。然而,也有一些可能性:< / p > < ol > <李>尝试矿物学的手册:< a href = " " rel =“nofollow”> < / >,更具体地说< a href = " " rel =“nofollow”>钛铀矿< / >页面。你会好有更详细的矿产的地区列表。李李< / > < >另一个选择是运行一个< a href = " " rel =“nofollow”> < / >谷歌学者寻找钛铀矿。你可以找到学术论文处理钛铀矿,偶尔他们也提到他们发现的矿物或他们如何获得它。请注意,在钛铀矿的具体情况,有许多文章处理钛铀矿结构。这可能不是你要找的东西。也可访问性的问题——除非你有一个机构或个人订阅这些期刊,您可能无法访问全文。然而,有时这些信息中可以找到免费的抽象。
  • Go to Rocks & Minerals magazine and run a search there for brannerite. They may have some articles dealing with localities.
  • Regarding your second question about geological features, the features may be mapped if they are big enough. This is probably true for granitic gneisses, may be true for pegmatites and conglomerates and unlikely for veins and placers. This will not help you though. Even though the mineral appears in let's say gneisses, 99.9% of gneisses will not contain this mineral. Of those 0.1% that do contain it, only a fraction will have it big enough so you will be able to see with without a microscope, or any larger than a speck of sand.

    Finding rare minerals is indeed hard. If however you do indeed come across brannerite, I would like to remind you that it contains quite a lot of radioactive elements so don't make jewelry or good luck charms out of it, and washing your hands after dealing with it is usually a good idea.

    Good luck!
