< p >咄,点好!毕竟我想世界是平的!< / p > < p >但好,说真的,作者给了一个好的和准确的论点为什么可以告诉世界是圆的还是平的,观察是否在海洋或一个规模足够大的海洋。但就引用页面,他不引用任何实验结果证明,或另一种方式。说,“我可以想象一个实验也证明我的理论正确”还有很长的路要走”实际上我进行了这个实验,结果证明我的理论是正确的。”< / p > < p >事实上,大洋彼岸的观察或大型海洋是最简单的证明之一,世界是圆的。观察到在帆船的时代,作为一个“高桅横帆船航行,最后你会看到帆的顶端。今天看起来在足够大的海面,无论多么清晰的天空,等等,你不能看到对岸。得到最强大的望远镜,你仍然看不到对岸。< / p > < p >可以说你看不到岸,因为阴霾而不是曲率。你可以解决,通过观察可以看到:在很长的距离,你几乎可以看到遥远的海岸,你只是看到山脉或高楼的顶部吗? Or do you see the whole mountain or building but very hazy? (Okay, I haven't done that experiment, so maybe I'm just a dupe of the round-Earth conspiracy.) Yes, as others have noted, refraction and optical illusions add extra complexity. That's why in general, one experiment is not sufficient to prove or disprove a theory.
Of course there are other ways to demonstrate that the Earth is round. Like, in ancient Egypt, Ptolemy measured the circumference of the Earth by measuring the lengths of shadows at different latitudes.