海底河床?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换 最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 08年- 07 - t19:07:40z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/5189 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/5189 11 海底河床? DuncanKinnear //www.hoelymoley.com/users/3178 2015 - 07 - 15 - t20:50:49z 2015 - 07 - 16 - t01:20:10z

On a meandering bit of research through Wikipedia, I was looking at the Google Maps location of Texas Tower 4.

South-east of that location there is what looks like a river valley under the ocean. If you follow it back to the land it is obviously the Hudson river.

So my question(s) is: when was this 'valley' formed? Is the current of the Hudson river eroding this valley now, or was it eroded during a previous ice age? How old would this valley be?

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/5189/-/5190 # 5190 12 回答为海底河床arkaia吗? arkaia //www.hoelymoley.com/users/111 2015 - 07 - 15 - t21:20:46z 2015 - 07 - 15 - t21:20:46z < p >有两个特性,需要区分:一个是< a href = " http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2004/1441/index.html " rel = " noreferrer " >哈德逊海底峡谷< / >在大陆坡上,开始在100米,连接到深盆;和< a href = " http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2003/of03-372/index.html " rel = " noreferrer " >哈德逊货架谷< / >在大陆架上,其浅(20 - 100米)。< / p > < p > < img src = " https://i.stack.imgur.com/TrPNN.jpg " alt = " Hudson货架谷" / > < / p > < p >假设问题是关于架子上谷,< a href = " http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2003/of03-372/html/discussion.html " rel = " noreferrer " > Butman et al。(2003) < / >提供了一个全面的解释的起源和特征。这里是他们的讨论:< / p > < blockquote > < p >架子150公里的哈德逊山谷,大西洋中部大陆架上最大的地形学的特性,将纽约湾地区(表1图1,表2,图6和图7)。谷是水下的向海延伸祖先的哈德逊河排水系统,与其他山谷大西洋架子上,尚未满是泥沙。谷头位于一个广泛的浅盆(克里斯琴森盆地)和扩展海外有些米下面架子上表面向外海终点站陆棚边缘三角洲(尤因等,1963;金刚砂Uchupi, 1972;Uchupi等人,2001)。< / p > < p >祖先的哈德逊河的猜测已经开始发展在晚白垩世post-Atlantic开裂引起的持续提升和倾斜的边缘,导致近陆的侵蚀和边际向外海发展,持续到第三(维斯,1974)。架子哈德逊山谷被认为是反复下切侵蚀更新世时期海洋回归(苏特等,1949;维斯,1974)。 This downcutting possibly was amplified by the proposed catastrophic drainage of late Wisconsinan glacial lakes 12,000 - 14,000 yr BP (Newman and others, 1969; Uchupi and others, 2001). At this time, the shoreline was located approximately at the 60 m isobath (Thieler and others, 1999). At 12,000 - 14,000 yr BP, the large glacial lakes north of the New York Bight are thought to have breached the moraine front at the Verrazano Narrows and other locations in New Jersey and New York (Newman and others, 1969; Soren, 1971; Lovegreen, 1974). Boring data at the Verrazano Narrows indicate that more than 100 m of Pleistocene and Cretaceous sedimentary material was eroded as a result of this breaching event(s), along with most of the lacustrine sediment deposited during the previous 8,000 yr (Newman and others, 1969). Uchupi and others (2001) propose that late Wisconsin erosion of the Hudson Shelf Valley and deposition of sediment lobes (figure 1) on the outer shelf were a consequence of this catastrophic drainage.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/5189/-/5191 # 5191 5 回答为海底河床DuncanKinnear吗? DuncanKinnear //www.hoelymoley.com/users/3178 2015 - 07 - 15 - t22:23:26z 2015 - 07 - 16 - t01:20:10z < p >好了,回答我的问题,看< a href = " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hudson_Canyon " rel =“nofollow”>维基百科文章哈德逊峡谷< / >:< / p > < blockquote > < p >大峡谷成立在最后一个冰河时代,在10000多年前,当海平面下降了约400英尺(120米)和哈德逊河的口附近大陆架的边缘,以东约100英里(160公里)的网站。< / p > < /引用> < p >和侵蚀:< / p > < blockquote > < p >淤泥,泥沙进行了哈德逊河,流入峡谷和深海。< / p > < /引用> < p >和< / p > < blockquote > < p >洋流把上下通道;和场合,在大风暴,冰冷的海水是推高了哈德逊峡谷分散在货架上。因此,哈德逊峡谷继续削减旅行沉积物。< / p > < /引用>

Anyone else have any interesting information about this Canyon?
