蒸散是如何影响降雨?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换
最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 08 - 21 - t14:41:19z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/5288 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/5288 10 蒸散是如何影响降雨?
保罗Lemus //www.hoelymoley.com/users/3271 2015 - 07 - 31 - t20:04:39z 2017 - 08 - 24 - t17:38:11z < p >蒸散是当在植物的叶子蒸发水的表面以水在整个系统内聚和adheisiveforces移动。我的问题是如何突然减少evaportranspiration集中地区与农业影响在该地区的流行雨?例如,如果作物农业地区相继死亡或者释放的水通过蒸发蒸腾是收集在一个温室。< / p >
//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/5288/-/5320 # 5320 7 回答通过Jezibelle蒸散如何影响降雨?
Jezibelle //www.hoelymoley.com/users/2871 2015 - 08 - 05 - t20:50:36z 2015 - 08 - 05 - t20:50:36z < p >没有水在空气中,云不能形成和蒸发很快,如果他们做的蒸散突然下降,导致低湿度可以减少雨水的患病率。但是,在模拟,通常没有太多的可衡量的效果(< a href = " http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0273117787902900?np = y " rel = " http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0273117787902900?np=y noreferrer " > < / >)。这是因为有很多更多的进入这仅仅比蒸发从植物和水的总量,风在该地区的大气。< / p >
  1. Air is constantly moving and there's a lot of it, and so to have a measurable impact, this would need to be a pretty large region and/or evapotranspiration would need to stop for an extended period of time.

  2. Plants have a greater impact on their environment than what can be measured through evapotranspiration

  3. Evapotranspiration affects energy balance, which means that sunlight also plays a role in the ultimate effects.

The result is a rather complex web of interactions and an effect that would be very different depending on season, region, and how the loss of evapotranspiration occurred. So, the two scenarios you proposed would have very different effects.
