Modis和LandSAT NDVI复合材料应该同意吗?为什么不呢?-地江南体育网页版球科学堆栈交换江南电子竞技平台 最近30个来自 2023 - 03 - 25 - t01:42:12z // // 5 Modis和LandSAT NDVI复合材料应该同意吗?为什么不呢? J凯利 // 2015 - 09 - 28 - t15:35:03z 2015 - 09 - 29 - t07:23:43z Modis以粗分辨率(500m?)拍摄每日图像,然后将这些图像集中到16天的复合图像中。< / p >

LandSAT, let's say 8, takes roughly bi-weekly images at 30m (100m resampled to 30), and those are then lumped into 32-day composites.

Clouds aside, would you generally expect the two for the same time period to match? In other words, if you aggregated the Landsat pixels by mean, ought you to get the same value of the corresponding Modis pixel?

Probably not, right? Could you explain why? Is it the 16 vs 32 days? The world changes in two weeks? Equipment differences? Resampling algorithms?

Are there any Modis-LandSAT pairs of data that actually would match quite closely?

// 1 Modis和LandSAT NDVI复合材料应该同意吗?为什么不? 虹膜 // 2015 - 09 - 29 - t07:23:43z 2015 - 09 - 29 - t07:23:43z 我还不能评论,但我想分享这个想法:比较的一个挑战是数据的共同登记,所以地球表面上相同的区域是比较的。

这篇文章关于MODIS和Landsat 7 NDVI的差异,作者花了很大的精力在共同登记上,以真正比较地面上相同的区域(但两个传感器之间仍然存在差异)
