替代SEGY看起来像什么?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换
最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 07 - 03 - t00:33:32z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/694 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/694 21 替代SEGY看起来像什么?
坦诚的午餐 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/8 2014 - 05 - 01 - t20:06:58z 2015 - 12 - 11 - t06:26:21z < p >我一直有一个悲惨的时间本周阅读< a href = " http://www.seg.org/documents/10161/77915/seg_y_rev1.pdf " > SEGY < / >文件。这是世界上最大的地震数据采集公司的客户是世界第七大石油公司。如果任何人都可以得到它你会觉得这两个。< / p > < p > SEGY标准存储使用地震数据在整个石油行业但正显示出它的年龄相当严重。问题包括:< / p > < ul > <李>非标准头信息< /李> <李>文本标题可以在ASCII、EBCDIC李< / > < >李疯狂阴谋为了省几字节李< / > <李>二进制数据存储在IEEE或IBM浮点李< / > <李>等。李< / > < / ul > < p >的一些最明显的缺陷被修补的v2发布作品。细节是:< a href = " http://www.seg.org/documents/51956/6062543/SEGY + 2.0 + + 2 + 2014”草案> http://www.seg.org/documents/51956/6062543/SEGY + 2.0 + + 2 + 2014草案< / >。< / p > < p >这不是一个标准就可以实现通过阅读规范,这个新版本不会帮助解决这个问题。不断的滥用的标准意味着需要日历年调试存在的图书馆能够承受现实世界数据文件。这是非常令人沮丧的软件开发人员和作者的工作。< / p > < p >有一个讨论< a href = " http://www.agilegeoscience.com/ " >这优秀的博客最近< / > HDF5提到< / p > < ul > <李> < a href = " http://www.agilegeoscience.com/journal/2014/3/27/how-to-load-seg-y-data.html " > http://www.agilegeoscience.com/journal/2014/3/27/how-to-load-seg-y-data.html < / > < /李> <李> < a href = " http://www.agilegeoscience.com/journal/2014/3/26/what-is-seg-y.html " > http://www.agilegeoscience.com/journal/2014/3/26/what-is-seg-y.html < / > < /李> < / ul > < p >我更希望看到一个新的标准,比SEGY那么复杂,没有依赖的第三方库。 So while I think technologies like HDF5 (and JavaSeis etc.) may have a role within a company they are not a replacement for SEGY. Even a technology like XML is going to be outlived by the data files we will have to read in the future. So I think the format will need to be extremely simple and conservative.

Some features of a format that could replace SEGY might include:

  • one character encoding (ASCII or UTF-8)
  • all headers in human readable form – key-value pairs?
  • mandatory header information, e.g. shotpoints, x/y locations etc.
  • standard unit definitions, map projections etc.
  • traces may be binary but only IEEE
  • data should be in one file (SEGY got this right)
  • no data compression

So now for the question – what do we have to do to move beyond the extremely frustrating SEGY standard? Is there anything out there already we should just start evangelizing? If not, what do you think a replacement format needs to look like?

Thanks for reading. I feel much better after this rant and will get back to debugging why byte number 3603 is wrong.

EDIT: After chilling out over the weekend here are some more thoughts. SEGY is complicated for a number of reasons:

  • inherent complexity
  • accidental complexity
  • different expectations for the format from users

So SEGY is hard to use because the seismic problem domain is an inherently difficult one to model. We are lucky to have the benefit of the wisdom of those who came up with the format.

Even so, a lot of cruft has accumulated in the format over the years. This creates a non-trivial cognitive burden that I could do without but will realistically just have to deal with.

The last point though is interesting. We already have SEGD for storing the raw field data. This format is a lot more challenging than SEGY but is also a good place to bury a lot of the inherent complexity of real world seismic data.

When people suggest HDF as a replacement I guess that (maybe) they are viewing SEGY as a 'processing' format?

Last week I was thinking of SEGY as a vehicle for sharing final seismic volumes with interpreters. I read at the weekend that 80% of SEGY headers are not populated in real world data. So, this is speculation on my part, but perhaps what we need is

  • SEGD for raw field data
  • something else for actually processing
  • and something else again for sharing data between processors and interpreters

To accurately, and reproducibly, load seismic data into interpretation systems we don't need much meta-data but it absolutely does need to be present. The hand-off from processors to interpreters via SEGY is where I think we could use a new approach.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/694/-/698 # 698 11 回答大卫·瓦伦丁代替SEGY看起来像什么?
大卫的情人 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/48 2014 - 05 - 01 - t22:00:59z 2014 - 05 - 01 - t22:00:59z < p >我做处理SEGY文件,和忽视的固定长度的头字段是一个问题。同时,元组排列顺序问题。你要记住SEGY是目前交换和归档标准。这是一件好事。< / p >

The issue is that SEGY was designed for tape, so it's a single file. In this day and age, that may not be a good thing. It might be better to allow for extended 'metadata' to be housed as a separate file. Basically, the catalog record that you could review before buying the data. And you should be able to add this metadata back into the file.

If this was done as exchange profiles. Basically information groups rather than one large information block then a different format might get more buy in, and compliance over time.

As for HDF, and other formats, it's about how the data structures are laid out. There can be some performance issues with how timeseries data access (~traces) is organized in NetCDF files.

Some features of a format that could replace SEGY might include:

  • one character encoding (ASCII or UTF-8)
    • yes
  • all headers in human readable form - key value pairs?
    • yes
  • mandatory header information eg shotpoints, xy locations etc.
    • I would say yes, but I don't think that is going to happen.
  • standard unit definitions, map projections etc.
    • yes,
  • traces may be binary but only IEEE
  • data should be in one file (SEGY got this right)
    • All data, yes. All information, no.
    • single package like a tar file, yes
  • no data compression

Bits are cheap. Include details of the used dictionary items in the file. In this day and age, we don't need to have a translation book external to the file. But we should use standard reference terms that are online as Linked Open Data.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/694/-/4867 # 4867 4 答案由user2821代替SEGY会是什么样子?
user2821 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/2536 2015 - 05 - 14 - t09:08:05z 2015 - 05 - 17 - t09:15:14z < p > SEGY的优点也是它的主要问题;它已经存在了很长时间。我一直在努力开放十年word文档正确,有时候仍然可以访问一个SEGY从70年或80年。还有一个优势,所有程序包,不知何故,导入和导出文件。< / p > < p >我同意大卫的头不需要相同的文件的数据。我宁愿跟踪头可读的ASCII文件可以是二进制的数据,但至少比标准化或定义的头。ASCII跟踪头也很容易导入GIS应用,SQL或电子表格。< / p > < p > < a href = " http://www.ahay.org/wiki/Guide_to_RSF_file_format " rel =“nofollow”> rsf < / >格式(由SEPlib),可能是我在寻找什么,但跟踪头不写头文件,而是放置在单独的文件中。对处理工作流这不是坏事,但它很难导出文件。< / p > < p >完美的解决方案,从我有限的经验,将类似rsf文件,文件头和跟踪头.rsf相同。 I've been suggesting it to some fellow Madagascar users, and the argument against it is that in large projects the header file would be very (too) large. However, I don't see that as a problem, rather another argument to have the trace headers in an easy searchable and as far as I know there are no limitations of ascii files size.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/694/-/7049 # 7049 3 答案由狮子Krischer替代SEGY看起来像什么?
狮子Krischer //www.hoelymoley.com/users/4959 2015 - 12 - 09 - t02:01:58z 2015 - 12 - 09 - t02:01:58z < p >已经存在的一件事是<代码> ph5 > < /代码格式从PASSCAL组:< a href = " https://www.passcal.nmt.edu/content/ph5-what-it " rel =“nofollow”> https://www.passcal.nmt.edu/content/ph5-what-it < / > < / p > < p >它本质上是一个端口的赛格Y格式,删除一些限制并添加一些新的元数据信息。它是基于HDF5,目前主要作为一种档案格式虽然我不明白为什么它也不可能被用作处理格式。< / p > < p >以下段落免责声明:我是一个男人。我们最近开发的新数据格式包括数据来源基于HDF5地震学也。目前主要适用于被动源数据,例如地震和电台录音环境波场,我们的社区非常广泛而完善的标准我们合并的元信息。一些工作但是地震源和接收器的概念转化为主动源情况下这可能是一个有价值的研究方向。更多信息:< a href = " http://seismic-data.org " rel =“nofollow”> http://seismic-data.org < / > < / p >
//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/694/-/7059 # 7059 2 答案由txpaulm代替SEGY会是什么样子?
txpaulm //www.hoelymoley.com/users/2557 2015 - 12 - 11 - t06:26:21z 2015 - 12 - 11 - t06:26:21z < p > SEG-Y赛格有坐在委员会修订2,讨论了需要采用改变SEG-Y所需自上次修订(如删除跟踪连续数据的长度限制,被动格式数据,等等)。如果你想做点什么SEG-Y未来应该是什么样子,你应该加入委员会的凹陷和志愿者。< / p > < p >人们需要记住SEG-Y是一个交换/交换格式,不处理的格式。收购格式(如SEG-D)对野外采集有好处。SEG-Y进行数据交换。事实上,是替代老赛格交换格式(SEG-X,得到吗?)。没有人会涉足的争论一个标准处理格式,因为它甚至比SEG-Y兼容性和遗留的问题。< / p >