为什么在高海拔更光氧极光虽然比氮更重吗?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换 最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 07 - 10 - t13:08:20z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/7430 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/7430 7 为什么在高海拔更光氧极光虽然比氮更重吗? Marijn //www.hoelymoley.com/users/5372 2016 - 02 - 01 - t20:40:31z 2017 - 04 - 03 - t14:15:53z < p >在最近的另一个问题是说,由于扩散和热会导致氧气和氮气混合。不过有点重氧,所以它应该降低大气中。< / p > < p >的其他问题我读:< / p > < p > "这就是为什么有一个颜色和高度差;在高海拔缺氧红色占主导地位,那么氧氮绿色和蓝色/红色,最后氮蓝/红碰撞时防止氧气排放任何东西。" < / p > < p > < a href = " //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/105/what-causes-the-beautiful-auroras-on-the-north-and-south-magnetic-poles " >是什么导致南北磁极上的美丽的极光吗?< / > < / p > < p >我的问题是为什么在高海拔的极光氧气而涉及扩散不应该做出改变,因为氧气重应该更低。< / p > < p >但以防极光的比较高,所以这是为什么呢?使所有的差异极光? < / p > //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/7430/-/7793 # 7793 1 由tipavi回答为什么在高海拔更光氧极光虽然比氮重吗? tipavi //www.hoelymoley.com/users/5721 2016 - 04 - 05 - t22:46:26z 2016 - 04 - 05 - t22:46:26z < p > <强>短答:< /强> < / p > < p >氧原子(不是氧分子)原因占主导地位的红色和绿色极光在高空排放。虽然有更多的原子\ ce {O}美元在海拔高于氮、了解不同颜色的关键是激发能量。极光粒子能量较高的渗透较深之处到大气中造成更高的能量排放较低海拔地区。激发导致红色\ ce {O}美元发射了需要更少的能量高于绿色\ ce {O}发射美元进一步下跌。更是如此,紫\ ce {N2 +}发射美元只能处于社会底层的人兴奋,非常高能粒子。< / p > < p > < >强一些更多的细节:< /强> < / p > < p >你是对的,分子氧($ \ ce {O2} $)比分子重氮($ \ ce {N2} $)。因此,在海拔高于turbopause在105公里左右,在大气湍流混合停止存在,因为太薄,相对有更多的美元\ ce {N2} \ ce {O2} $美元亿美元与海拔和两者之间的比率增加。然而,也有强烈的分子光离解\ ce {O2}原子美元$ \ ce {O} $。的重组两个$ \ ce {O} $原子缓慢在高海拔和原子光,其浓度随高度。200公里以上原子\ ce {O}美元比美元更丰富\ ce {N2} $。

As stated before, auroral particles with higher energies deposit more of their energy at lower altitudes where they encounter more collisions with the air. Lower energetic particles don't get that far. The dominant red and green emissions of the aurora are basic excitions of the $\ce{O}$ atom. The red emission at around 630 nm peaks at above 200 km. altitude. It's caused by the excited state $\ce{O}^1D$ with an energy of $\sim5.6$ eV. The green emission at around 558 nm peaks at around 110 km, considerably lower than the red emission. The corresponding state $\ce{O}^1S$ has a higher excitation energy of around $10$ eV. Peaking even lower at around 90 km altitude, the violet $\ce{N2+} $ emission has a wavelength around 428 nm and an excitation energy of around $100$ eV.

The combination of the concentrations of the chemical species and, most importantly, the altitude dependent energy deposition result in the altitude dependence of the colours of the aurora. The further to the violet the light, the higher its energy per photon.

Note that these discussions about what colour is caused by what atom or molecule at what altitude are somewhat simplified. This all only refers to the dominant emission at a certain peak altitude which may overpower fainter colours. To a certain degree, most colours will be emitted from most altitudes, but not be visible to the ground observer. And there are many more colours emitted than the ones discussed.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/7430/-/10049 # 10049 2 回答由帕特里克·埃斯皮为什么在高海拔更光氧极光虽然比氮更重吗? 帕特里克·埃斯皮 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/7845 2017 - 04 - 03 - t14:15:53z 2017 - 04 - 03 - t14:15:53z < p >之间的原子氧发生可见的排放量精细结构水平的基态,和这些状态之间的转换方式不允许电偶极子辐射。这些“禁止”过渡花更多的时间发生,继续通过磁偶极子或electric-quadripole辐射。由于激发态的原子花很长一段时间(~ 1秒557.7 nm的过渡,和200年代~ 630纳米过渡),在此期间没有辐射原子可以碰撞和禁用。然而,排放的氮分子偶极之间的转换,和花只有ns微秒时间内辐射之前激发态。因此,他们生存在高辐射甚至碰撞条件(即低海拔地区)。< / p > < p >一个原子或分子的碰撞频率的增加而降低高度。此外,极光电子的能量越高(2 keV 20 keV),大气中的低他们存款(150公里至90公里)的能量。如果有极光,低能量电子发射发生在非常高的高度和兴奋的原子氧和氮分子使一些碰撞。因此他们都辐射,但这些海拔比分子原子氧氮和氧原子主导的红色和绿色。< / p > < p >随着极光能量的增加和电子存款低海拔、他们的能量碰撞更频繁和原子激发态氧不长寿到足以辐射。 This kills off the green and red emissions at low altitudes. However, the molecular nitrogen, with its short excited state lifetimes, continues to radiate and the lower border of the aurora turns pinkish-purple with the nitrogen emissions.
