一般来说,植被的存在增加/减少水损失总值(蒸散)相比,贫瘠的土地(蒸发)?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换 最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 07 - 08 - t18:29:18z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/7526 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/7526 7 一般来说,植被的存在增加/减少水损失总值(蒸散)相比,贫瘠的土地(蒸发)? y涌 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/3241 2016 - 02年- 18 - t01:49:56z 2022 - 05 - 25 - t16:39:08z < p >我在做一些文献综述沙漠化。但是,我找不到任何相关的信息我的问题。根据我所知,贫瘠的土地面临植被区域供暖和风力大于但是植被的存在会导致一个巨大的蒸发表面积增加。他们似乎我对立的因素。根据我的直觉的猜测,我认为贫瘠的土地将会遭受更大的水损失但有任何可靠的研究吗?有计算方法和比较两个场景的总水耗? < / p > //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/7526/-/15614 # 15614 4 尼罗的回答一般,植被的存在增加/减少水损失总值(蒸散)相比,贫瘠的土地(蒸发)? 尼罗 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/13870 2018 - 11 - 23 - t07:29:32z 2018 - 11 - 24 - t13:08:26z < p >我认为最好是介绍一些定义。常常在这样的研究中,两种类型的蒸散(或蒸发,但是我将坚持蒸散在这答案为了方便)定义:实际和潜在蒸散:< a href = " https://i.stack.imgur.com/JpK1f.jpg " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " > < img src = " https://i.stack.imgur.com/JpK1f.jpg " alt = "在这里输入图像描述" > < / > < br > <子> <一口>来源:演讲名为< a href = " https://www.slideshare.net/jannatiftikhar/evapotranspiration - 71111011“rel = " nofollow noreferrer " >水资源及其管理在巴基斯坦Jannat伊夫提哈尔•< / > < /一口> < /订阅> < / p > < p >当你已经正确表示:当植物存在,表面(通常)拥有更多的水,因此水是输给了气氛。而贫瘠的土地经历更多加热和更强的风,贫瘠的土地倾向于持有更少的水蒸发。因此,即使条件允许更快和更严重的蒸散,没有水evapotranspirate。< / p > < p >下面的图显示了一个很好的例子的两个集雨在萨斯卡通这一原则。尽管这个数字不是一个地区面临沙漠化,例证了上述原则解释。< br > < a href = " https://i.stack.imgur.com/84Iff.png " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " > < img src = " https://i.stack.imgur.com/84Iff.png " alt = "在这里输入图像描述" > < / > <子> <一口>来源:加拿大的临时流水文概况(< a href = " https://www.researchgate.net/publication/235048220_An_Overview_of_Temporary_Stream_Hydrology_in_Canada " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " >做仆役长et al ., 2012) < / > < /一口> < /订阅> < / p > < p >正如你所看到的,夏天的潜在蒸散是高图(a),而实际蒸散是高图(b)由于其更大的股票的水分。< / p > < p >指定差异对沙漠化,通常比较集雨研究类似的大小、气象条件(辐射、降水等),但与不同类型的植被或不同数量/植被覆盖率。< / p > < p >集雨的地方我们有一个水盈余,我们可以检查特定流域的流量和平均降水(产生放电时的面积乘以排水)。两者的区别是水输给其他进程的蒸散是主要的一个。< / p > < p >贫瘠的土地的情况下,应用不同的方法。一个可以尝试计算地表能量平衡的基础上测量或估计气象和大气参数。 Another option would be to place an evaporation pan, which is basically a flat surface with a layer of water. Subsequently, one can determine how much water is lost from it over a given period of time (taking into account the precipitation).


Iftikhar, J.(2017). Evapotranspiration. Water Resources & their Management in Pakistan.

M Buttle, James & Boon, Sarah & Peters, Daniel & Spence, Christa & van Meerveld, Ilja & Whitfield, Paul. (2012). An Overview of Temporary Stream Hydrology in Canada. Canadian Water Resources Journal.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/7526/-/15628 # 15628 3 haresfur回答的一般,植被的存在增加/减少水损失总值(蒸散)相比,贫瘠的土地(蒸发)? haresfur //www.hoelymoley.com/users/1242 2018 - 11 - 25 - t08:43:17z 2018 - 11 - 25 - t08:43:17z < p > < em > < / em >,从植被地区土壤水分蒸发蒸腾损失总量大于裸露的土壤蒸发。你是正确的,植被将增加边界层,从而减少在地面蒸发,但拦截降水也意味着一些降水到达地面之前就会蒸发。< / p > < p >有影响植被类型和%的地被植物,通常减少径流,但水浸润。渗透是很重要的在增加蒸发蒸散。水足够深的移动到土壤列在裸露的土壤条件下不蒸发,失去交流或充电。植物根系捕捉大量的渗透,所以蒸腾作用增加。更深层次的根源,更渗透可以被捕获。< / p > //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/7526/-/15647 # 15647 4 Nemesi回答的一般,植被的存在增加/减少水损失总值(蒸散)相比,贫瘠的土地(蒸发)? Nemesi //www.hoelymoley.com/users/8087 2018 - 11 - 27 - t13:57:19z 2018 - 11 - 28 - t11:30:49z < p >除了所(正确地)写在其他的答案,我想添加一些数据,可以帮助理解所涉及的动力学:< / p > < p >第一个图是借用了这个有趣的< a href = " https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959378017300134 " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " >论文< / > < a href = " https://i.stack.imgur.com/Vhs93.jpg " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " > < img src = " https://i.stack.imgur.com/Vhs93.jpg " alt = "在这里输入图像描述" > < / > < / p > < p > (< a href = " https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2017.01.002 " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " >埃里森et al . 2017 < / >) < / p > < p >,您正确地猜到,光秃秃的土地比森林地区“热”。但是当你说“< em >荒地面临植被区域供暖和风力大于< / em > ",我认为你是一个混合的相关性和因果关系:如果表面暴露于相同数量的辐射,温度的差异是由土地覆盖。量的差异是由大量的因素,其中:辐射吸收(包括颜色),地形、材料的组成(岩石、水、土…),组成表面周围的空气(别忘了,水蒸气的温室效应),暴露在辐射区域,等等。所有这些变量的组合,树木的存在结果,给出相同的暴露在太阳辐射,温度较低。奇怪的是注意到,在图中,新鲜的领域是池塘……这是由于水体的热惯性。< / p > < p >维护讨论森林地区,树木充当“水泵”:他们从土壤和土壤水分循环到树枝和树叶(见下一图)。这意味着他们在表面增加可用水量。此外,叶子充当“表面乘数”,在某种意义上,他们提供多个捕获的小表面辐射。此外,水的存在转移的一些热蒸汽的形式。 Basically, leaves do what a human body would do and control their thermal regulation, also by transpiring large amount of water (see this paper). The cooling effect of the different land cover also influences the winds by altering the convective heat transfer (so, wind is cause and consequence of the "freshness" at the same time).

enter image description here

This figure is taken from Pereira et al. 2017 and its captions states "Schematic of the enthalpy fluxes (all arrows) and water fluxes (all but solid black arrows) that are solved in ED2. The schematic is based on Walko et al. (2000) and Medvigy et al. (2009). (Figure courtesy of Marcos Longo)."

In summary, (oversimplifying) the presence of trees increases the amount of water and the surface exposed to the radiations and this, jointly with many other physical and chemical processes, results in a larger moisture in the air and a larger dispersion of the heat (meaning that locally the forested system is fresher than the one without trees). Answering your question in the title: the presence of trees increases the moisture dispersion in the air. To give a better sense of the effect of the presence of vegetation on the water balance, see the picture below:

enter image description here

(Wohl et al 2012)
