是什么让海水管道的影响撒哈拉沙漠吗?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换
最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 07 - 07 - t20:50:14z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/7553 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/7553 21 是什么让海水管道的影响撒哈拉沙漠吗?
ZakC //www.hoelymoley.com/users/5506 2016 - 02年- 21 - t22:16:17z 2017 - 05 - 28 - t10:08:21z < p >这是一个童年的梦想。< / p > < p >将会发生什么如果管道安装(原则上类似< a href = " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Man-Made_River " >大人工河< / >,但对于海水),不断注入海水撒哈拉沙漠。< / p > < p >沙漠假设一个精确的位置,没有已知的含水层水位,被选为一个内部。假设野生动物在这个位置是微不足道的。和安装了太阳能电池板提供能量注入的水。,水被泵表面的地中海,预防措施被极大地损害海洋生物。< / p > < p >会有多难,说,一个内华达州大小的内在咸湖吗?也足够使潮湿空气,露——每晚倒在地上会开始绿化周期?< / p > < p >如果一个小泥添加到水沉淀到床上,将保留湖吗?< / p > < p >有没有修改这个幼稚的计划,这将使它,至少,变现? < / p >
//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/7553/-/7560 # 7560 15 弗雷德回答的是什么使海水管道的影响撒哈拉沙漠吗?
弗雷德 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/2470 2016 - 02年- 23 - t14:11:53z 2016 - 02 - 24 t09:38:58z

This is an interesting question & I've been waiting to see what answers, if any, would be written.

One affect of creating such a lake would be a localized increase in humidity in the vicinity of the new lake, but nothing that would significantly increase rainfall.

By bringing in salty sea water there could be a risk of contaminating existing underground fresh water stores with salt, making such sources of water unusable.

Also, by being salty, the water could not be used irrigate crops. It may be possible to establish a fishery in the lake, bringing in salt water species of fish, but that would need to be carefully managed.

If for whatever reason, the supply of water was not maintained in the lake, eventually the lake would dry up leaving salt behind. This would then be blow around by the wind, contaminating the nearby land with salt and killing plants on that land and making the land unsuitable for any crops that may grow there now.

Also, if dew were to form, there is no control over how much dew would be created. Many factors come into play when dew forms: atmospheric pressure, wet and dry bulb temperatures, the amount of moisture in the air (humidity) and enthalpy of water vapour and liquid water.


Having thought about this some more, something similar to what you are proposing has already been done in Egypt, when the Suez Canal was completed and opened in 1869.

Within the canal system is Great Bitter Lake, which is a sea water lake. The presence of such a body of water for nearly 150 years has not increased the amount of moisture in the vicinity of the lake that would allow lush vegetation to grow.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/7553/-/7565 # 7565 8 haresfur回答的是什么使海水管道的影响撒哈拉沙漠吗?
haresfur //www.hoelymoley.com/users/1242 2016 - 02 - 24 t02:13:28z 2016 - 02 - 24 t02:13:28z < p >我看到三个问题要考虑,并将解决这些问题我认为相反的顺序的重要性:< / p > < p > 3)成本:你认为这与太阳能和试图用泥来减少渗透穿过湖床。好了,现在我们假设可以成本效益的方案。< / p > < p > 2)对环境的负面影响。你< em > < / em >会渗透的盐水在地上,虽然你可能会减少。最终补给地下水的形成一个无侧限或表层含水层低渗透性沉积物。我的理解是,努比亚含水层主要局限除了充电南部较远的地方。所以盐水可能不会影响它除了在非常长的时间框架。努比亚含水层已经非常老水所以即使含有盐,可能需要很长时间到达灌区,人们不会担心。毕竟,他们本质上是挖掘新鲜的水,而不是试图匹配可持续产量。在一些地区地下水盐而不是可用了。但这些都是必须解决的事情。< / p >

I'm not sure that salt at the surface would be a significant problem. Much of Australia has ephemeral saline lakes at the surface that don't have major impacts (in my opinion) on the surrounding land when they are dry. But you are talking very large scale. I expect that the dry lake bed would stabilise with a sediment cover blowing in so salt dispersion would cease.

1) Would it work? I think it's a great idea but I'm skeptical. There are a lot of areas near the oceans where dew formation doesn't seem to produce significant amount of green vegetation. Well there are parts of Chile where dew is important in supporting the ecosystem, but that ecosystem is pretty unique and sparse. Not something that would support much human population.

If I understand your question you are suggesting that the green vegetation would produce a feedback loop that promotes further dew or precipitation and becomes self sustaining. I can't say whether that could occur in some regions. If you look at the Great Artesian Basin of Australia, Lake Eyre and other very large lakes will fill with fresh water periodically and then go saline or even dry out. However, they haven't developed self-supporting vegetation, to my knowledge. The terrestrial plants rely on periodic rainfall due to storm tracks, generally from the west or north. If nothing else, thinking about it will teach you a lot about climate and weather. Hope this helps.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/7553/-/7566 # 7566 9 DrGC回答的是什么使海水管道的影响撒哈拉沙漠吗?
DrGC //www.hoelymoley.com/users/1379 2016 - 02 - 24 t08:01:08z 2016 - 02 - 24 t11:44:55z < p >内华达州286367 km²。保守平均蒸发量2500毫米/年在你的沙漠,这种规模的一个湖泊蒸发22686立方米/秒。这是一个流动的平均河量大于尼罗河。< / p > < p >正如你所看到的情节,最好的价钱为抽水海拔仅50米高于海平面0.131 \ $ 3.78 / m3,所以泵22 k美元需要支付786 m3 / s \ / s,或者<强>每年240亿美元\ < / >强。< / p > < p > < a href = " https://i.stack.imgur.com/3JfMy.jpg " rel = " noreferrer " > < img src = " https://i.stack.imgur.com/3JfMy.jpg " alt = "抽水成本" >电力成本(美元/ 1000加仑)每千加仑注入泵的cep效率85%由发动机驱动的效率为93%。< / > < / p > < p >类似的,你可以很容易地估计所需的功率泵(所有参数保持相同的)约为12.5亿(1 e9)瓦。总效率为50%,你将需要约200称为风力发电机怪物< a href = " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = qS3CtSX8Eck noreferrer“rel =这样的> < / >。< / p > < p >唯一的有效方法是通过将水从一个更高的天然来源。一些沙漠在埃及和阿尔及利亚躺低于海平面,所以将海水会便宜。< / p > < p >有许多建议场景做相似的事情:洪水锡瓦沙漠,< a href = " http://retosterricolas.blogspot.com/2010/01/mediterranean-distopia.html " rel = " noreferrer " >浆果,地中海< / >…一些已经< a href = " http://www.johnbohannon.org/NewFiles/Nile.pdf " rel = " noreferrer " >实施< / >。

But the key underlying question here is: What for? The fact that something is big, cheap, and doable does not make it worthful. The environmental implications of these huge geoengineering projects are enormous and difficult to predict in detail.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/7553/-/9583 # 9583 2 user7341回答的是什么使海水管道的影响撒哈拉沙漠吗?
user7341 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/0 2017 - 02年- 02 - t14:23:05z 2017 - 02年- 02 - t14:43:48z < p >一个除了优秀的答案已经上市的健康新湖将随着时间的推移不断恶化。总体来说,一个健康的身体的水需要流入和流出,避免停滞。在这种情况下,你的目标似乎是创建一个蒸发池。蒸发将留下一个巨大的盐坑(e . g。< a href = " https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salton_Sea " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " > https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salton_Sea < / >),用很少的好处。< / p > < p >,请发送我的链接一个太阳能水泵!< / p >