为什么不是最终平流层变暖的日期和极地漩涡分手把冬天的正式结束吗?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换 最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 07 - 07 - t14:47:03z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/7784 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/7784 2 为什么不是最终平流层变暖的日期和极地漩涡分手把冬天的正式结束吗? linguisticturn //www.hoelymoley.com/users/5724 2016 - 04 - 02 - t20:29:56z 2016 - 04 - 04 - t00:04:31z < p >让我试着阐明我真的问:< / p > < p >想象一下,不管是什么原因,气象学家和地球科学家决定重新考虑季节的定义————从头定义基于当前最好的科学(有点像天文学家被迫做什么只要< a href = " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IAU_definition_of_planet " rel =“nofollow”> < / >)行星的定义。基于我们目前最好的科学,它意义识别冬季/弹簧边界作为最后的日期平流层变暖吗?或有其他的考虑更重要————可以说是更科学意义随着冬天春天/ demarcators吗?< / p > < p >我的问题不是关于季节的概念的历史,语言学。我当然意识到最后的概念变暖最近才被发现的,在季节的概念已经存在了几千年。我问关于< /强> <强>科学定义,可以改变随着科学的进步(例如冥王星作为行星曾经是机密,现在不是)。< / p > < p >(对我的问题不是很重要,但:如果科学开始说这是新定义,媒体开始报道,甚至最终公众会意识到它。说到这里——是的,对不起,这是主题,但有人有任何猜测为什么< em > < / em >主要媒体不报道的日期极地漩涡分手,不管季节的定义?毕竟,公众现在相当意识到极地漩涡,它最近被指责为很多冷法术。)< / p > < p > <强>背景< /强> < / p > < p >根据维基百科的文章“突然平流层变暖”,< / p > < blockquote > < p >辐射周期在平流层意味着冬季的平均流量是西风,夏季偏东(西)。最终变暖发生这种转变,极地涡旋风改变方向的变暖,但是不改变直到那年冬天。这是因为平流层已进入夏季东风阶段。 It is final because another warming cannot occur over the summer, so it is the final warming of the current winter.

Similarly, a NASA-affiliated source says that

The final warming is the last stratospheric warming of the season. After this warming, the stratosphere never recovers to its previous state and the vortex breaks up and dissipates. The final warming often occurs in March or April. Sometimes the stratosphere never recovers from what would otherwise be a mid-winter major warming in January or February, and that warming becomes the final warming.

As far as I understand it, once the polar vortex breaks up, one cannot have sudden large temperature dips (like we are having in the northeastern part of the US this weekend of April 2-3, 2016). Thus it would seem that the date of final warming is a good candidate for the official date of the end of "meteorological winter".

However, NOAA defines seasons according to calendar months (see here). Meanwhile, the Swedes define the start of spring as "when the average daytime temperature exceeds zero degrees Celsius on seven consecutive days" (see here).

So: purely on the basis of current best science, would it make sense to define the end of winter as the date of the final warming?

Yes, one could not know that it happened until some time after it happened, but my understanding is that this lag is on the order of days, not weeks.

Yes, such a definition would have the consequence that some years, meteorological winter would end in January. But, so what? Some winters do seem to end in January... while the present one lasts into April.

Yes, one cannot define the demarcation between the spring and summer or summer and fall using the polar vortex as a reference. But, so what? There is no reason why each demarcation couldn't be a separate story. Even the fall/winter boundary need not necessarily be defined as the date of the formation of the polar vortex.

(And while we're at it--and I know this is off topic, but still---why don't the media report the date of the breakup of the polar vortex? It seems it would be of interest to people, given the notoriety the concept has received especially the last couple of winters... In fact, is the date reported anywhere?)
