陨石撞击坑在地质学中的重要性?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换
最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 07 - 07 - t14:28:27z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/7894 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/7894 3 陨石撞击坑在地质学中的重要性?
Liath法赫德 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/5551 2016 - 04 - 24 - t18:12:19z 2017 - 06 - 03 - t11:16:57z < p >的经济重要性是什么大陨石撞击坑直径超过100 ?他们能形成钻石或产生其他经济存款吗?< / p >
//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/7894/-/7900 # 7900 2 答案由戈登斯坦格地质陨石撞击坑的重要性吗?
戈登斯坦格 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/4507 2016 - 04 - 25 - t19:05:46z 2016 - 04 - 25 - t19:05:46z < p >现在陨石坑是小的意义。回到阴间的行星地壳早期形成的时代,火流星影响定义行星演化的过程。至于钻石,人们可能期望微金刚石在罕见的情况下形成的富含碳的陨石坑。另一方面,在早期的月球探索,丰富一些地球科学家预计影响钻石发现月球表面。他们甚至用工具加工了一个特殊的实验室分析钻石从月球带回来的。唉,没有被发现。< / p >
//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/7894/-/7914 # 7914 5 答案由Gimelist地质陨石撞击坑的重要性吗?
Gimelist //www.hoelymoley.com/users/725 2016 - 04 - 27 - t22:36:48z 2016 - 04 - 27 - t22:36:48z < p > <强>影响钻石< /强> < / p > < p >是的,钻石可以形成陨石撞击。这几件事需要发生:< / p > < ol > <李>正确的大小的陨石和速度,李< / > <李>点击需要包含碳的东西。< /李> < / ol > < p >如果你有陨石击中花岗岩或海洋你不会得到任何钻石。它通常有达到生物碳(假设泥炭、煤、石墨)。即便如此,钻石将< a href = " http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2016/160314/ncomms10970/full/ncomms10970.html " rel = " noreferrer " >形式只在一个非常具体的< / >距离地面零,因为有一个特定的控制压力和温度之间的关系。压力必须足够高,以稳定钻石,它必须是热得足以打破石墨碳债券,但不太热破坏钻石。这就是为什么它还取决于大小和速度的陨石——只有一些会让这些独特的情况发生。一个有名的例子是< A href = " http://www.nature.com/articles/srep14702 " rel = " noreferrer " > Popigai火山口< / >在俄罗斯(也有一些< A href = " http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.crte.2003.07.001 " rel = " noreferrer " >的< / >的东西)。另一个例子是< a href = " http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pss.2013.05.003 " rel = " noreferrer " > < / >在周围的泥炭通古斯事件。然而,< / p > < p >调用材料形成“钻石”说什么其实不像。在某些情况下,甚至不是合适的钻石,而是碳变形称为< a href = " http://www.mindat.org/min - 2431. - html”rel = " noreferrer " > < / >,朗斯代尔石这是某种“六角钻石”的硬度低于真正的钻石。影响钻石通常也不漂亮,所以他们不适合作为宝石首饰。 If anything, they're useful as industrial diamonds. The thing is, that making industrial diamonds synthetically is much easier than digging them up from these locations. So, the answer is no. The economical significance of meteorite impact craters in relation to diamond formation is negligible.

Pretty diamonds usually form in Earth's mantle and are brought up to the surface in volcanic eruptions. They are mined from volcanic pipes such as kimberlites, and even though some of them are named like they're impact craters (like the Crater of Diamonds State Park) they are not actually impact craters.

Other stuff

There is one notable occurrence of an impact crater that did cause economic mineralisation of something: the Sudbury Igneous Complex, or the Sudbury Basic, in Canada. In here, a meteorite impact caused melting of the crust and the formation of a nickel deposit. Currently, nickel, copper and some noble metals are mined from there. Even though it has been known for more than 100 years, only in the past 30 years or so the impact origin of it has been fully accepted.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/7894/-/10430 # 10430 0 答案由查尔斯·墨菲地质陨石撞击坑的重要性吗?
查尔斯·墨菲 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/8194 2017 - 05 - 19 - t16:13:08z 2017 - 05 - 25 - t01:13:40z < p >一个有用的文章影响结构和矿床是:< / p > < p >经济矿床影响结构:审查< / p > < p > < A href = " http://www.univie.ac.at/geochemistry/koeberl/publikation_list/265 - economics%20of%20craters impact%20tectonics - 2005. - pdf”rel = " nofollow noreferrer " > http://www.univie.ac.at/geochemistry/koeberl/publikation_list/265 - economics%20of%20craters impact%20tectonics - 2005. - pdf < / > < / p >
//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/7894/-/10435 # 10435 1 答案由旋钮刮管器地质陨石撞击坑的重要性吗?
旋钮刮子 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/7333 2017 - 05 - 20 - t17:41:15z 2017 - 06 - 03 - t11:16:57z < p >值得注意的是,我们的星球是由“陨石”的影响,我们的月球是(地质重要)由于火星撞向地球,但是让我们关注影响之后,说,Archaen。< / p > < p >如果我们生活在月球上,撞击坑地质将非常重要。,也许更重要的生物学比地质,尽管严格协会。首先,每一个陨石曾经创下了海洋盆地(几乎% 75的地球表面)已经投入了俯冲带;这包括怪物直径超过100公里。至于那些侵蚀残可以发现在大陆,发现它们并不容易解释它们的形成并不是毫无争议的。事实上,发现他们中的许多人是步行回具体meteorite-related矿物质可能来源和聚焦。< / p > < p >至于钻石,他们发生的影响是罕见的,经济的重要性,更加罕见。从查理•墨菲的论文< a href = " http://www.univie.ac.at/geochemistry/koeberl/publikation_list/265 - economics%20of%20craters impact%20tectonics - 2005. - pdf”rel = " nofollow noreferrer " > < / >经济矿床影响结构:审查< / p > < blockquote > < p >钻石一般发生在非常少量影响岩石融化。悲伤和Masaitis(1994)估计平均浓度大约10磅。< / p >

As for economically important placer occurrences of industrial-grade diamonds, their source is still controversial. Geochemistry may prove a kimberlite source for these diamonds....just like those in South Africa.

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A little bit of lunar scenery, here on earth.
