现在有很多传感器,如何探测(最好是自流)含水层?我应该使用探地雷达、中子探测器或其他先进设备吗?地震成像可以用来描述含水层的范围吗?< / p >
Hydrosource Associates(没有个人关系)声称使用以下:
由于您正在寻找一个列表,您可以研究上面的每一种技术。< / p >
However, the one instrument not mentioned above and the most high recommended method is simply using geological maps.
在确定平均居民供水井的位置时,地球物理方法基本上从未使用过。与钻井相比,它们太贵了。然而,为了建立详细的水文模型,地球物理方法(特别是探地雷达(GPR))被使用得相当多。事实上,有一整个领域被称为“水文地球物理”,专门研究近地下环境的成像。这些方法不适用于单井定位。它们被应用于建立详细的3D模型,以限制污染物运输等事情。如果你需要知道地下水的3D流动情况,那么你需要比定位单井更详细的地下图像。探地雷达是最常用的方法,但我也见过在某些情况下使用的几乎所有类型的地球物理数据(基本上是已经收集并免费提供的数据)。基本上,预算越大,解决问题的高级工具就越多。 :)
That said, any geophysical method is only able to detect a contrast of a physical property. For example, seismic methods are sensitive to variations in seismic wave velocity, electric and electromagnetic methods are sensitive to resistivity/conductivity, gravimetry is sensitive to density variations, etc. So for any geophysical method to detect water, there has to be a contrast in the physical property between the water level and the surrounding rocks/soil.
Knowing this we can already rule out gravimetry and magnetometry because there is no significant density/magnetization contrast when we reach the water level. These methods can give you an idea of the regional geologic setting, and that can help you find water. But detecting water directly? Probably not.
The presence of water does have an impact on the electrical conductivity but that is usually not very large unless the water is salty, which I'm guessing you wouldn't want to drink. Methods like GPR and electrical resistivity methods could map the depth of the water layer, but this effect might be masked depending on the soil type (clay might have very low resistivity and that makes "seeing" what is beneath very difficult).
Seismic wave velocity is usually affected by the presence of water in the soil. If all you want is the depth of the water level, then shallow seismic refraction might be a good method for that. Acquisition is relatively cheap and the data are easy process (usually just simple trigonometry).
Most of these methods will not tell you for sure if the water is there or if it is drinkable. However, they can give a bit more insight to complement the hydrological information.