为什么早晨风会吹向近海?-地江南体育网页版球科学堆栈交换江南电子竞技平台 最近30个来自www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 04 - 03 - t10:39:43z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/8024 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/8024 7 为什么早晨风会吹向近海? 安德鲁畅 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/6007 2016 - 05 - 20 - t10:08:38z 2019 - 04 - 04 - t08:09:51z 我住在加利福尼亚州的圣地亚哥,冲浪者利用黎明的时间,因为近海(向海)的风有助于“支撑”海浪,即。防止它们在冲浪者骑它一段时间之前崩溃。< / p >

I'm only a beginner, but when I went to Korea, I met surfers from Santa Cruz, CA and Tianjin, China, who said it's the same everywhere.

Why does this happen?

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/8024/-/8025#8025 11 丹尼尔回答。为什么风在早晨吹向近海? daniel.heydebreck //www.hoelymoley.com/users/5594 2016 - 05 - 20 - t17:57:07z 2016 - 05 - 20 - t18:04:18z

你描述的现象被记为陆风。它是由海洋表面温度和陆地表面温度之间的差异引起的。< / p >

Surface Temperature

During day time the surface temperature at land rises faster than the sea surface temperature, whereas during night time the land surface cools faster than the sea surfaces. As a result, the sea surface temperature is higher than the land surface temperature in the morning.

Formation of the Breeze

The sea surface heats the air above the sea stronger than the land surface does with the air above land. The warmer air masses above the sea rise to higher altitudes yielding a low pressure region. As a result, the colder air masses from above the land 'travel' to the low pressure region above the sea. This 'traveling' of air masses is wind: wind, which blows from the land to the sea.

Here is a nice Figure from Wikimedia Commons describing the sea breeze (A, evening/afternoon) and the land breeze (B, morning). The Figure was provided by Jesús Gómez Fernández.

enter image description here

Shower Curtain Example

If you shower in a shower with a shower curtain, you might experience that the lower end of the curtain moves towards your legs. The physical processes are similar: The warm shower water heats the air within the shower. The warm air rises which causes a low pressure region at the bottom of the shower. The air is colder at the bottom of the room outside the shower which leads to a high pressure system. The air from the high pressure system (bottom outside the shower) 'tries' to flow towards the low pressure system (bottom inside the shower) which moves the bottom end of the curtain towards you.

This example works only if the room temperature in the bathroom outside the shower is not too warm/hot.
