海水淡化和天气影响?-地江南体育网页版球科学堆栈交换江南电子竞技平台 最近30个来自www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 04 - 04 - t00:01:15z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/8392 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/8392 4 海水淡化和天气影响? MadPeanut //www.hoelymoley.com/users/6306 2016 - 07 - 15 - t21:59:28z 2020 - 10 - 28 - t18:59:47z 关于这个话题,我有一个一直很好奇的问题。根据我的理解,海水淡化的过程是他们提取盐水,从中产生可用的水,然后将盐泥泵回海洋。当我读到这个问题时,一个问题似乎是,垃圾对生态系统有害,他们把垃圾倒回去,另外,额外的盐对整个海洋和它的居民来说并不是那么好。我知道一种植物对整个海洋可能没有那么大的影响,但如果它变得更加标准,50多年后,特别是随着气候变化和干旱,也许会有更大的生态问题。


为什么不能分配一些土地,把未经处理的盐水抽进去,然后让它蒸发?这难道不会产生更多的雨水,至少在冬天,在山上产生更多的积雪,帮助更自然地产生饮用水吗?留下的盐和其他物质会留在那里,变成盐滩。至少他们不能处理水,然后将污泥泵入沙漠(剩余的水仍然会蒸发),在我看来,这将是一个更好的解决方案,而不是把它放回海洋,让它有更多的盐。如果可以在合理的规模上进行,也许一些曾经不可用的土地可以被改造成森林,这将有助于气候,从空气中吸收碳,在5年或10年的周期内,树木可以被砍伐成覆盖物,然后种植新的…… Not the salt water or land where the salt is left but additional land allocation for this (we do have a LOT of desert) and I know sand would need to be cultivated but we also have a lot of cows and organic material we can use to help convert the sand into more usable soil.

Running some pipes from a coast inland while posing some logistical challenge doesn't seem unreasonable to me. Better than oil pipelines...

Thanks for the responses

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/8392/-/8393#8393 3. 戈登·斯坦格对海水淡化和天气影响的回答? 戈登斯坦格 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/4507 2016 - 07 - 16 - t02:23:30z 2016 - 07 - 16 - t02:23:30z 你的第一个问题,关于盐污染需要粗略的计算。目前,全球约4%的人口全部或部分依赖淡化水。因为这是能源密集型的,也很昂贵,所以这样的用水户很节俭,使用了全球1%的生活用水供应。但是,为了讨论的方便,让我们假设,在未来的某个时候,淡化的选择真的会起飞,也许是通过低能耗的“正向渗透”。我们将假设目前10%的人口(74亿人)最终可能会使用脱盐水,从而产生每天2.45 x 10^^9吨盐的卤水。与海洋中已经存在的1.5 x 10^^17吨盐相比,盐的回报将是海洋中已经存在的盐的0.0000016%。此外,即使是这微不足道的量也会被水文循环稀释,因为饮用的水,用于洗涤等,最终会回到大海。

但是你问当地的浓盐水回流是否对环境有害?南澳大利亚的阿德莱德拥有南半球最大的海水淡化厂。通过计算机模拟和直接观测进行的非常详细的研究表明,在流出处几百米的范围内,盐水羽流的分散达到了在背景盐度下无法检测到的浓度。当然,它根本没有影响当地的海洋生态,而南澳大利亚人对环境问题非常挑剔!再来看看世界上海水淡化厂最集中的地方——阿拉伯湾。 This shallow-water (<50 metres) Gulf has high natural rates of evaporation, which raises the salinity from the normal 3.6% to about 4.1%. This change is orders of magnitude more than can be attributed to the salinity change from all the desalination plants combined. The ecology and biodiversity of the Gulf is still rich, and not at all affected by local bitterns effluent. Climate change will intensify evaporation, which is much more of a worry than 'desal' plants.

As to your second question about changing the climate and increasing rainfall by pumping bitterns into the desert, there is a massive problem with that. As the salinity increases by evaporation, the vapour pressure at the lake surface decreases, which suppresses further evaporation. Since we would be dealing with hyper-saline brines to start with, we would rapidly approach an equilibrium in which the massively decreased evaporation would equal the natural deliquescence of the salt. In fact, evaporation would win, but only slightly. The loss of moisture to the atmosphere would be barely noticeable, and not sufficient to terra-form the down-wind area.

I suggest that the impacts of global warming will massively eclipse any trivial changes brought about by evaporation basins. If you don't believe me, I suggest you get some hydrologic and geochemical textbooks, and do some mass-balance calculations of your own.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/8392/-/20397#20397 0 海水淡化和天气影响? LazyReader //www.hoelymoley.com/users/21028 2020 - 10 - 28 - t18:59:47z 2020 - 10 - 28 - t18:59:47z 目前估计全球有22,000家海水淡化厂,每天生产约1.42亿立方米(370亿加仑)淡水。这对天气的影响可以忽略不计。海水淡化最大的危害是能源的使用。由于向大盆地抽水,加利福尼亚的大盆地和沙漠海拔在4000-6000英尺之间。enter image description here一个典型的水泵的功率可以在250瓦到1100瓦之间变化。加州大学农业与自然资源系;将一英亩英尺(325,851加仑)的水抽到海拔一英尺的地方平均需要2千瓦时(取决于泵的效率)。但在加州,一度电的平均价格为18美分。听起来有效吗?但那是18102加仑的2%,现在加上“大盆地”的海拔; is over 6000 feet above sea level. NOW it takes six Megawatt-hours or 1,080 dollars worth of electricity to pump one Acre foot. The Carlsbad desalination plant in San diego county produces 150 Acre feet of water per day. Or 300 dollars per acre foot. California farmers pay an average of $70 per acre-foot to irrigate. It makes NO sense financially. California uses 38 Billion gallons of water per day....... Pumping sea water UP hill to accommodate weather modification would be so ridiculously expensive.

If you really want to "humidify" California, BUILD nuclear plants, they use millions of gallons of water and emit millions of gallons in steam a day.
