< p >首先,检查主要农药被使用。有三个主要组:organochlorides,相对安全的人,但对环境不利(非常持久的);有机磷,严重不良的人,但是短暂的,所以对环境安全;几乎和拟除虫菊酯对人类和环境安全。如果是有机磷酸酯类居多,也许你已经引起人们的关注。< / p > < p >其次,查看附近。他们喷洒到你家的墙吗?如果是的,那么你可能有问题,但这只是一个潜在的问题在几十米的重复曝光。< / p > < p >第三检查天气。显然如果风吹直了字段和到您的厨房里,这不是一个好场景。< / p > < p >第四,检出农药容器的处置。如果有一个良好的废物处理系统对受污染的瓶子,纸箱,等等,如果农民们阅读标签和坚持这些规则,那么没有问题。< / p > < p >对杀虫剂没有理解许多人变得非常紧张。 People do not fall ill from minute traces in groundwater and air. Farmers and their families get ill - generally from chemical violation of their central nervous system - when the farmer doesn't take appropriate precautions or follow the instructions. It is worrying when farmers in their fields walk into their own spray instead of spraying to the side, or when they mix up pesticides without gloves. No apron, no face-mask, careless discarding of pesticide containers into drainage ditches, etc. When the farmers wife washes the farmer's clothes - soaked in pesticide, then she's also at risk. Organophosphates in particular can be absorbed through the skin. It is impossible to comment about wind drift without much more detailed local knowledge of conditions. My advice is don't get paranoid, but do use common sense about repeated exposure at high concentrations.