如何提升影响降雨量收到?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换 最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 07 - 09 - t04:51:44z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/8716 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/8716 2 如何提升影响降雨量收到? Kait //www.hoelymoley.com/users/6517 2016 - 09 - 11 - t01:09:28z 2019 - 06 - 19 t01:45:27z < p >海拔如何影响降雨量收到了吗?海拔影响降水吗? < / p > //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/8716/-/8717 # 8717 3 答案由戈登斯坦格对高程影响降雨量收到了吗? 戈登斯坦格 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/4507 2016 - 09 - 11 - t04:22:36z 2017 - 07 - 03 - t19:49:50z < p >海拔影响温度影响的雨。世界上大多数雨量器在几百米的海平面,我。大多数人生活的范围。在这个范围rainfall-elevation关系常常似乎是线性的。然而,随着温度的温度与高度,最大可沉淀的水分急剧减少,所以rainfall-altitude曲线反应在本身,所以,有海拔最大降水(EMP)。这种变化variies与几个因素,如大陆性,tropicality,方面,雨影和障碍的效果。EMP的一些例子,(米):塔吉克斯坦3800年,加拿大阿尔伯塔省2360年,欧洲的阿尔卑斯山脉,2250年西北Pakistan1500,阿曼1400年到2200年,900年1500年坦桑尼亚乞力马扎罗山,和夏威夷。在极地EMP地面,因为rainfall-altitude关系几乎总是负面的。以上EMP降雨与高度迅速降低,这就是为什么高山区本质上是沙漠。< / p > < p >哪里有显著缓解排水,第一步是确定流域都是低于EMP。第二步是过程的历史记录,看看二阶,甚至三阶降雨高度的线性回归是一个重大的改进。如果你想要进一步细化季节性降雨、降雨从不同的方向,经常有明显不同的rainfall-altitude关系。 If you want to go the whole hog, and be scientific about it, then the rainfall approximates a multi-variate solution, with components of altitude, altitude squared, aspect, regional trend, rain shadow and barrier effect. This can be solved as an equation of the form: $$R = aH + BH^{2} + cA + dT + eS +f'BE'$$

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/8716/-/10737 # 10737 3 答案通过zfjohnson海拔如何影响降雨量收到了吗? zfjohnson //www.hoelymoley.com/users/8483 2017 - 07 - 03 - t13:49:44z 2017 - 07 - 03 - t13:49:44z < p >海拔影响降水明显,尤其是在山地环境中。的迎风面山,降水增加。随着空运上升由于海拔的升高的迎风面山,空气包裹冷却,凝结,下雨。一旦空运(云)移动山脉的顶峰,包裹的空气干燥和温暖迅速流动背风一侧的山。这就是所谓的绝热升温或挤压变暖。在美国和加拿大,有从北到南山脉。西一边(迎风面),它是绿色的和地区得到大量的降水。在东部,有更多的干旱的条件。高原(高海拔的平坦地区)也可以对降水有影响。热低点可以形成了高原亚热带(如墨西哥和亚洲部分地区),造成降水。 This is a form of a summer monsoon.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/8716/-/17217 # 17217 1 回答pat哈金海拔如何影响降雨量收到了吗? 帕特哈金 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/17045 2019 - 06 - 19 t01:45:27z 2019 - 06 - 19 t01:45:27z < p >高海拔的地区,比如山脉,往往流失水分的空气。山上的空气上升时,它冷却。当空气冷却,它就失去了其成立的能力。然后水凝结的空气和降水量提高。< / p >

The high altitudes of mountains often receive a significant amount of precipitation. Often, this precipitation falls in the form of snow, which is why many high mountain peaks are always covered in snow. In mountains near the equator, the constantly high levels of humidity form what is called a "cloud forest." Cloud forests are habitats that feature numerous mosses, algae and epiphytic plants; often, these plants are covered in water for most of the day.

While the top of the mountain may receive abundant rainfall, mountains often remain dry on the down-wind side. This is called the "rain shadow effect," and it causes the downwind side of the mountain to remain dry for most of the year. One of the best examples of this phenomenon is created by the Himalayan Mountains. As the warm, moist air blows from the Indian Ocean, it flies up the side of the Himalayas. Most of the rain falls on the south side of the mountains, and the area on the north side of the mountains remains dry.

This actual case explain more details A Preliminary Analysis of the Relationship between Precipitation Variation Trends and Altitude in China by ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCE LETTERS, 2011, VOL. 4, NO. 1, 4146
