在气象学逆温层为什么这么重要?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换 最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 07 - 10 - t19:22:43z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/9302 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/9302 7 在气象学逆温层为什么这么重要? Jiby //www.hoelymoley.com/users/7144 2016 - 12 - 14 - t21:37:49z 2016 - 12 - 17 - t16:22:27z < p >我一直听到这个术语“逆温层”阅读有关污染和气象学。< / p >

I know it vaguely amounts to "some place where the gradient of temperature is inverted". But why are inversion layers so important in meteorology ? Why do they matter ? Air is colder here ... Big deal ! ?

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/9302/-/9303 # 9303 5 答案由f。索普气象学逆温层为什么这么重要? f.thorpe //www.hoelymoley.com/users/543 2016 - 12 - 14 - t21:42:05z 2016 - 12 - 17 - t16:22:27z < p >温度反演对气象和污染很重要因为它们大气混合边界。如果有一种强烈的反转,空气上下倒置不容易混在一起。对于污染,排放来自表面,一个浅边界层的温度反演陷阱表面附近的污染。如果边界层大气中反演是非常高的,你会得到良好的混合,污染将会被稀释。还有一个非常强大的对流层温度反演的顶部,通常称为对流层顶,对流层和平流层空气分开。< / p > < p >同时,看到这个相关的问题:< a href = " //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/5123/what-is-a-temperature-inversion-and-can-it-trap-smog-pollution?rq = 1 " >什么是温度反演和陷阱烟雾污染吗? < / > < / p > //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/9302/-/9304 # 9304 6 回答由BarocliniCplusplus气象学逆温层为什么这么重要? BarocliniCplusplus //www.hoelymoley.com/users/704 2016 - 12 - 15 - t00:27:11z 2016 - 12 - 15 - t00:27:11z < p > Farrenthope是正确的,但我想添加一些细节。< / p >

An inversion occurs when the air is warmer than the ground. It is called an inversion because it is the opposite of what occurs during the day. During the day, the ground is heated by the sun and the air near the ground rises.

However, during clear and calm nights, the ground will cool faster than the air. This means that at a certain time, the air will be warmer than the ground. With nothing to move pollutants upward, the air just stagnates. People will still keep pumping pollutants out, with the pollution just accumulating. During the day, however, the pollutants are lifted upwards, and do not stagnate.

For those mathematically affluent, the equation for a concentration of a pollutant can be written as $$\frac{\partial c}{\partial t}=-\vec{v}\cdot\nabla_h c-w\frac{\partial c}{\partial z}+\nabla \cdot (K\nabla c) +S_c(t)+C$$

where $c$ is the concentration of the pollutant, $\vec{v}$ is the wind vector, $w$ is the vertical velocity, $K$ is the Fick's law constant, and $C$ is the chemistry term.

If we consider the following assumptions which are common, regardless of an inversion:

  • Diffusion is a small process ($K\approx0$)
  • The pollutant undergoes no chemical change ($C\approx0$) The equation boils down to $$\frac{\partial c}{\partial t}=-\vec{v}\cdot\nabla_h c-w\frac{\partial c}{\partial z}+S_c(t)$$

During an inversion, because air at the surface is not going up, there is no air going down. This means $w\approx0$. With no vertical velocity, the air near the ground is slowed by the drag the ground has on the air, making $\vec{v}\approx0$. This boils the equation down to $$\frac{\partial c}{\partial t}=S_c$$. Since $S_c \ge0$, $c$ will just keep increasing.

A good example of a dangerous inversion is the Donora event.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/9302/-/9305 # 9305 3 回答由JeopardyTempest气象学逆温层为什么这么重要? JeopardyTempest //www.hoelymoley.com/users/6298 2016 - 12 - 16 - t04:16:09z 2016 - 12 - 16 - t09:48:13z 这样说吧:< p > < / p > < p >我们喜欢我们的周围的空气混合。混合空气防止不均匀浓度不仅污染物的累积(烟雾、臭氧、化学品等),而且雾(汇集凉爽和潮湿的空气),气味,甚至< a href = " http://mocpa.com/inversion.html " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " > < / >声音(这就是为什么你可以经常听到遥远的交通更接近黎明)。< / p > < p >有两个靠近地面的地方,空气可以:或。< / p > < p >暖空气上升。倒置设置的时候,一层温暖的空气在空中,从而阻止下面空气能够崛起了。< br >以来最晚上有反演地面温度比空气更高更快。但通常在白天,阳光加热地面开始周围的空气上升和混合。阻塞和中提琴,没有更多的不愉快!< / p >

But additionally, inversions also are formed when cold air is blown in near ground level, such as during a cold front. But, the peak of such a cold airmass generally associates with high pressure.
And high pressure cores have calmer horizontal winds.
So when such a cold high pressure gets stuck and parks in place, it can lead to prolonged inversions.

Additionally, inversions tend to be self-perpetuating over time. Fog and smoke form, block out the sun, and those just keep the low-level air layer cold.

It can be very difficult to forecast just how much the inversion will break down during the day, leading to greatly busted forecasts. I remember many times in Oklahoma where they thought it would warm up a fairly typical 20 degrees (F) during the day, but the fog never fully eroded, and we only ended up rising a few degrees. We also ended up having solid weeks or more of foggy conditions.

Furthermore, the geography in some regions favors inversion formation, and so inversion forecasting inversions can be particularly important for such locations. Sometimes these features can even enhance storm systems or alter their tracks. For more on these targets, look into cold air damming and marine layers.

Inversion conditions also can prove to be quite important flies-in-the-ointment for severe storm forecasting as well. Severe thunderstorms often rely quite a lot on afternoon heating to fuel the rapid updrafts of the storms. Sometimes the same mugginess that highlights that conditions are ripe for storms can wind up being so rich that fog and low-level clouds develop overnight, and prove resilient well into the day. The result can be that the forecast severe weather outbreaks ends up coming to nothing. Or instead, if a fog inversion were expected but doesn't materialize it can often generate unexpected or incorrectly timed severe weather outbreaks. So severe weather forecasters have significant interest in understanding inversions as well.

So... inversions form most every day, but typically as the day evolves, the atmospheric heating engine kicks in, and wind resets the atmosphere towards being more homogeneous. But when stronger inversions build in, they can snowball into much more depressing, and even very dangerous conditions.
