细颗粒物——为什么缺乏关注吗?如何解决它?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换 最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 07 - 07 - t13:53:35z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/935 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/935 11 细颗粒物——为什么缺乏关注吗?如何解决它? Avestron //www.hoelymoley.com/users/317 2014 - 05 - 15 - t09:04:10z 2019 - 04 - 21 - t05:42:39z < p >如果细颗粒物作为工业或自然来源的污染物(如沙漠)可以这样一个引起关注的(进一步)沙漠化以及健康影响,有一个原因似乎没有很大的行动来控制或解决它吗?< / p > < p >为例,你有时会发现建筑工地需要使用一个树冠和/或水本地化细颗粒物的扩散到一个特定的网站,和造林项目可以锚定一些土地在面对推进沙漠边界,但在实施这样的应用程序似乎有限。< / p > < p >能做些什么来控制和打击细颗粒物(或者避免温暖,干燥的国家和地区成为风沙侵蚀区)? < / p > //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/935/-/2782 # 2782 12 答案由user889细颗粒物——为什么缺乏关注吗?如何解决它? user889 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/0 2014 - 11 - 12 - t19:56:04z 2014 - 11 - 12 - t20:02:58z < p >已经有相当多的关注,这并不是说因素阻碍更连贯的动作,这是一个缺乏全面了解细颗粒物本身——请允许我解释一下。< / p > < p >很多的原因只有在很大程度上打击细颗粒物的零敲碎打的方式,在全球来说,是由于不完整的理解气溶胶及其动力学。< / p > < p >已经说过,有不同的策略应对细颗粒物(FPM)。但是,首先,定义- - -联合国环境规划署(UNEP)页面:< a href = " http://www.unep.org/tnt-unep/toolkit/pollutants/facts.html " >污染物可吸入颗粒物(PM) < / >: < / p > < blockquote > < p > 2.5点是指粒子直径小于2.5微米。<强>这些通常称为微粒< /强>和含有次生气溶胶,燃烧微粒和有机金属蒸汽屏障,和酸组件。微粒可以达到一直到肺的肺泡。< / p > < /引用> < p >次生气溶胶的夹杂物,燃烧粒子(如烟尘)和再浓缩有机金属蒸气,并能理解复杂的试图减轻影响一旦释放,也会试图阻止释放复杂化。< / p > < p >也可以辩称,在0.1微米超细分数,不可能包括FPM保护伞;然而,如前所述在联合国环境规划署页面,这些仍然广泛研究的重点。< / p > < p >有几个文件要求控制和由政府组织提供实用的策略,其中一个文档是美国环境保护署的< a href = " http://www.epa.gov/glo/SIPToolkit/documents/PM25Menu-Final.pdf " >控制细颗粒物在《清洁空气法》:一个菜单选项< / >(2006),它承认< / p > < blockquote > < p >大气PM2.5形成的化学和物理是不完全理解。< / p > < /引用> < p >此外,在实际意义上,< / p > < blockquote > < p >在完美的世界里,控制效率和成本效益数据将手边;然而,它不是一直可用。

and also in a scientific - practical sense:

there are important distinctions between filterable and condensable PM2.5. Further, some methods used to measure PM emissions reflect only the filterable components and, to exacerbate the problem, the filterable components vary depending on the test method used.

The first step in any attempts to mitigate the FPM content in the air is to monitor the sources, flow, composition etc of the particles. From the EPA document:

The importance of determining source apportionment for ambient PM2.5 in a specific area cannot be overstated; developing a cost-effective approach to controlling PM2.5 emissions sources requires an understanding of the relative contribution from local and regional sources. Adequate monitoring data are needed to provide insight into the composition of ambient PM2.5 in a given area.

A British document Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in the United Kingdom (2012), states the reason why action is not happening fast enough reasonably well, with

The science underpinning the knowledge of PM2.5 is rapidly evolving and remains uncertain in many areas. There is a need for rapid translation into the policy arena of the newest results and understanding.

The uncertainty due to the varying compositions, which in turn affect how the particles move, how they interact with the surrounding environment suggests that 1 method would not be sufficient, and that more localised methods of control are necessary.

As you suggested, the importance of understanding FPM can not be understated, in epidemiological research Reduction in Fine Particulate Air Pollution and Mortality Extended Follow-up of the Harvard Six Cities Study (Laden et al. 2006), there have been found to be a drop in mortality corresponding to a drop in FPM concentrations.
