据粗略估计,有一个快速的方法下游洪水将多快?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换
最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 07 - 18 - t16:59:52z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/9682 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/9682 9 据粗略估计,有一个快速的方法下游洪水将多快?
JeopardyTempest //www.hoelymoley.com/users/6298 2017 - 02年- 13 - t04:25:31z 2017 - 08 - 18 - t00:55:14z < p >这篇文章的时候,有紧急的危险< a href = " http://www.mercurynews.com/2017/02/12/oroville-residents-told-to-evacuate-spillway-failure-imminent/ " rel = " noreferrer " >溢洪道失败在加州奥罗维尔水坝< / >,与疏散成百上千,下游和更大的人口在萨克拉门托市区。有< a href = " https://www.internationalrivers.org/questions-and-answers-about-large-dams " rel = " noreferrer " > 300年大坝< / >。所以看起来很有用的方法快速估计速度大洪水可能下游移动。< / p >

enter image description here

Obviously detailed hydrological models are the only way to properly incorporate the varied topography and other unique factors in each situation.

But it would seem useful for a lot of folks, whether tens of miles downsource of a mountain stream (such as might've been vital as the Big Thompson flood started), dozens of miles down a valley from a dammed waterway (like those further down the Feather/Sacramento Rivers tonight), or hundreds of miles down a flooding major river (such as the 1993 Mississippi Flood), especially given the varying warning networks in place around the world, to have a rough scale of how quickly an unexpected flood might translate downstream their way. Is it a matter of hours, days, weeks? A rough worst-case scenario of how quickly they may have to react is what is desired.

Would seem a reasonable formula for a loose estimate might reasonably include the volume of water flowing, the expected channel size, and the elevation change (or alternatively, just the speed of the water... but if you knew that, you really don't need any special formula!).

Does such a formula like this exist?
Or are there good empirical estimates for those different situations I presented?
Or is each case just so unique that there's no hope of such an estimate?

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/9682/-/12105 # 12105 7 答案由罗伯有快速的方法大致估计洪水将下游多快?
罗伯 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/8440 2017 - 08 - 18 - t00:55:14z 2017 - 08 - 18 - t00:55:14z < p >我的第一反应是使用< a href = " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manning_formula " rel = " noreferrer " > < / >曼宁方程作为一个近似。它不考虑大坝破裂的影响提供多余的水和直接洪水,虽然对于大尺度(河到达的)这可能是不那么重要了。< / p > < p >详细水文模型可能不是正确的答案,特别是对建造过程中工作的权衡。详细预测系统模型和实时数据将是最好的,但通常是一个快速近似猜测工作。< / p >