地质过程可以引起局部偏差在化石记录中?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换
最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 07 - 07 - t23:33:40z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/975 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/975 9 地质过程可以引起局部偏差在化石记录中?
fileunderwater //www.hoelymoley.com/users/505 2014 - 05 - 21 - t18:25:37z 2014 - 08年- 07 - t12:20:06z < p >的主要地质作用是什么,可以引起局部偏差在化石记录中,例如当比较物种多样性和物种电机从同一时期不同地区吗?我知道有几个< a href = " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fossil Fossilization_processes " >过程化石化< / >,和化石化,当地环境条件是至关重要的(例如,允许快速埋葬/沉积)。处理过程,但是,我的问题是影响已经形成的化石记录后(即从形成到现在)。我意识到当地条件影响化石的形成可能是当地偏差的主要原因,但我好奇过程影响后期的保护。< / p >
//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/975/-/2339 # 2339 3 帕维尔诉答的地质过程可以引起局部偏差在化石记录中?
帕维尔V。 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/101 2014 - 08年- 07 - t12:20:06z 2014 - 08年- 07 - t12:20:06z < p >我有学习考古学,不是paleonthology也不是地质学,所以我大部分的回答要么是外推法的适用于年轻的材料或门外汉的5美分。我仍然希望它是有用的。< / p >

You already mentioned the fossilization processes - this is bit distant from my field so I'm glad that you are not asking for details on them. In archaeological record, organic material can survive for centuries only under specific condition, often similar to those leading to fossilization. These conditions are one of the main factors contributing to the density of remains of ancient people and the animals and plants accompanying them, along with past human behavior.

Inhumation helps to preserve the bones, or, with specific grave construction and acidic soil, hair and even soft tissues (Egtved girl is a famous example). Anyway, animals or even plants never practiced any ceremonial burials, so this behavioral aspect is marginal for ancient fossils. Just that organisms whose habitat was more prone to fossilization are preserved more often - but this is still part of deposition and fossilization stage.

Excluding the fossilization processes (which are crucial), geological stability is the factor number one (or number two, after them). The more volcanic activity, earthquake and/or erosion, the higher chance the fossils will be destroyed. As an archeologist, I had to learn at least a little on erosion, because they can destroy the artifacts we would like to find, or at least move them so that we might be confused in evaluating the context; I believe this applies even more for the millions of years of the fossils' lifespan. If I'm right (I might be wrong; this is not my field), this is not as important as the conditions for fossilization, because the erosion and other processes that might destroy or degrade the fossils are spread more evenly than the good conditions for fossilization.
