在最近的met-jobs职位招聘 (不同版本这里)的研究人员在气候学/气象学/水文学或环境科学,我看到短语面包板检索算法(强调我):
Albert, Preusker和Fischer (2012), ENVISAT研讨会:
最初,三个面包板算法是在Freie Universität Berlin开发的,他们的创建知识转移到ESA / Bomem用于创建ESA算法。同时,利用人工神经网络代替了面包板算法的查表方法,大大简化了仿真结果与实际观测几何的插值。
维基百科告诉我,在电子学中,a breadboard是是电子原型的构造基础。这篇文章的细节似乎与算法使用无关,但它让我猜测面包板的含义与原型有关。然而,从上下文来看,招聘广告或ENVISAT论文显然与电子产品无关。< / p >
What does breadboard mean in the context of Earth observation retrieval algorithm development (which are the only contexts I could find)? Is it simply a synonym for prototype, or does it have a different meaning?
Search for "breadboard spectrometer" in Google and you will find many examples.
Now, to answer your question. A breadboard algorithm is developed using software that is used to help engineer the actual breadboards to be built in the future. The software allows you to predict the response of your proposed circuitry to the spectrometer detector without having to actually build the breadboard yet. Once your breadboard algorithm is setup properly (confirmed by testing the software version of your needed hardware) you can go about building the actual breadboard spectrometer model.
Once a breadboard spectrometer model is built and passes quality control checks, you can evaluate the spectrometer performance and see if its worth optimizing and fabricating a standalone instrument payload that can be deployed in the field (or in space).
Breadboards can be used to test different connection geometries of electronic components. These would need to be optimized for weight & energy consumption, particularly if they are to be launched into outer space. Software (algorithms) exist where this can be done using a virtual breadboard rather than a physical one