那么与24小时旋转相比,核心旋转快/慢多少?例如,内核每一天旋转25或2.5次。或者说,内核每1天旋转0.5次。< / p >
地核有百分之多少是铀?核心的热量有多少来自放射性衰变而不是其他力量?< / p >
断言引用this paper发表于1994年。
那么内核旋转如何影响气候?< / p >
-Yang, Y., Song, X. (2023): "Multidecadal variation of the Earth’s inner-core rotation." Nature Geoscience. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41561-022-01112-z
-Schlesinger, M., Ramankutty, N. (1994) "An oscillation in the global climate system of period 65–70 years." Nature 367, 723–726. https://doi.org/10.1038/367723a0
我最近研究了超离子冰 >这基本上是水在如此大的压力和热量下,它变成了黑热的冰。我读了这篇文章关于它。我发现超离子冰存在于地球内部,但我无法理解它是如何进入地核的,考虑到海洋中的任何水基本上至少在地幔以下是封闭的,因为它会立即蒸发,导致蒸汽气泡上升,直到它再次冷却
地核要多久才能凝固? >问题引用了一项估计,即地球(作为一颗行星,而不是它的表面)自形成以来已经冷却了约250K。问题是,由于这种冷却,地球的有效直径/平均直径减小了多少?
此外,考虑到地壳“几乎立即”出现;在地球形成后大约1亿年,由于这种冷却,地球发生了什么?< / p >
There is also the effect of the Earth's mass increase due to its gravitation pulling cosmic dust as well as cosmic bodies falling onto it, which surpass the loss of mass through the atmosphere, thus slightly increasing the weight of crust and its pressure against the mantle.
Obviously, the crust is too (relatively) thin and weak to allow emptinesses/cavities/hollows appearing under itself because of the shrinkage of the inner matter, so it was breaking in places thus forming continents that float over the mantle and "falling" downwards a bit instead, right?
Or the additional volume because of the cooling did not really change the Earth's effective/average diameter at all since the mantle (and deeper layers) was pushing against the crust with high pressure in the first place so the decrease of volume of the Earth's innards did not happen and it all only ended up decreasing the pressure against the crust, thus decreasing volcanic activity instead of changing the effective/average diameter of the planet?
Thanks in advance.
(The question was inspired by Dunno on the Moon scientific fiction novel, which is obviously unrealistic, but is fun to wonder about hypothetically in terms of real-life physics.)
I thought the same could happen if the matter currents giving rise to Earth's magnetic field changed direction, this would cause an increase in speed too. That is, if the currents have the right direction. The reversal of the currents' momentum (if such currents exist but I don't see why not) could also decrease the speed.
So, are these scenarios realistic?
但由于这篇论文是在12年前发表的,我想知道是否有任何令人信服的证据表明Si在地核中,它的浓度可能是多少?它是如何到达那里的?< / p > < p > < >强引用< /强> < / p > < p >德雷克,M,改正者,K。2002。决定地球的组成。
I would also expect this to happen in spite of the density gradient, that anyway should be less relevant down there, where the acceleration of gravity is much smaller than in the surface.
Why this dissolution doesn't happen? Why is the outer core stable?
As a bonus question inspired by this one: would any other blob of molten iron be stable anywhere in the mantle?
如果是这样,它会导致冰河时代吗?如果不是,地核是如何保存热量的呢?< / p >
So how is it that pressure drops off fast enough relative to temperature to give rise to the liquid outer-core. A good answer will explain how temperature drops off with radius and how pressure drops off with radius and how these compare to give rise to the liquid outer-core.
The fact that tall buildings and houses are being excavated from under the ground means that we are living very much away from earth's core than the past.
Does this mean that we are experiencing less gravity compared to past Since we are further from the earth's core that causes the pull?
Note: Parent question Was the Earth's sea-level significantly lower in ancient times?
asking as separate question as per community suggestion
A。组成内核的铁镍合金比地幔和外核中的其他元素更重,导致它下沉到地球的中心。< / p > < p > B。由于铁和镍都受到磁铁的吸引,地球的磁场将这些金属吸引到内核中,将它们混合成合金。< / p > < p > C。地球一开始是一颗巨大的小行星,由铁镍合金组成(很多都是铁镍合金),其他来自太空的物质建立在它上面,导致地球有一个铁镍核心(我告诉过你他们疯了!)
全球变暖会改变这些估计吗?< / p >
Google returns a radius of 1220km for the inner core. It also returns a diameter of 1220km for the inner core.
I went so far as to reimplement this an an Excel spreadsheet to double check my code, and I get consistent results.
Is there a good source for the (rough is fine) densities, mass, and radii of the geological layers? I don't trust Google and Wikipedia at this point, and even if I find the answer somewhere else I won't know for sure if they're even close to correct.