我正在试图研究森林生物量和森林的碳量。首先,我研究了一些论文,他们提到森林的年龄与生物量有关。那么,我们如何测量树的年龄呢?估算树龄的实用方法是什么?< / p >
Let me begin by defining the term tree utility, which includes the overall qualitative measure of properties such as the integrity of the forest, thriving capability of the local ecosystem, reduced competition of resources (for the trees), and so on.
From this paper by Xu et al. (2021), I get the notion that naturally formed forests tend towards a uniform spatial distribution. But I'm not confident regarding my inference, being entirely untrained in this field. I am aware that the paper was based on the forest patterns of a particular species of plants. But the quoted text below from the mentioned paper pursued me to believe that at least my inference - a uniform spatial structure maximizes tree utility - can be generalized to most, if not all species
The study on the structure of natural forests based on uniform angle index distribution shows that the number of trees in a random distribution microenvironment in natural forests is more than 50% and can usually be divided into two types, R1 (dumbbell-shaped random unit) and R2 (torch-shaped random unit) (Figure 1), with a similar proportion (R1:R2 = 1:2), and it has nothing to do with forest distribution zone, tree species, or forest type
Assuming my inference isn't wrong, I devised the following basic framework for the mathematical model I'll use to build my algorithm.
Consider a 4x4 grid and suppose a tree exists at position (1,1), the top left corner. Where should I plant the next tree to maximize the tree utility of the area?
I hypothesize that the more adjacent trees there are to a unit square in the grid, the better it is. Which makes (2,2) the answer to the question I asked above. The mathematical model I will build based on this hypothesis will generalize this process to an arbitrary MxN grid.
The ultimate implication of this hypothesis is that the closer the tree distribution in a given region is to a uniform distribution, the more the tree utility is maximized. I try to illustrate my point a little better through the images below.
Put short,
它们是什么?有些看起来像石头,其他的由于图像分辨率无法分辨。< / p >
Here is one specific clearing:
Dozens of clearings (zoom in on dots of lighter color in forest)
最近由生物物理过程引起的辐射强迫估计一般落在AR5评估范围的低端。例如,基于13个CMIP6模型的历史模拟,Smith等人(2020)估计自1850年以来地表反照率变化(包括积雪和叶面积)的ERF为-0.08[-0.22至0.06]W m-2。同样,基于13个CMIP5模型的模拟,Lejeune等人(2020)估计,自1860年以来,树木、作物和草地之间转换产生的辐射强迫为-0.11[-0.16至0.04]W m-2。Andrews等人(2017)确定了自1860年以来的ERF为-0.40 W m-2,将大部分影响归因于反照率的增加(<强>,包括底层积雪的揭开强>);然而,值得注意的是,该分析是基于一个单一模型,其已知倾向于高估ERF (Collins et al., 2011)。
(p。出)< / em > < / p >
非常感谢!< / p >
我的问题是,在这些距离较远的地方,它会破坏土壤本身和农业吗?如果是的话,会是什么样子(在什么程度上),以及我们所说的距离是多少?< / p >
(This feels like a suspicious thing to ask, so let me just clarify that I'm asking this because this is a plot point in a book I'm writing, and I'd like to really understand what ramifications it would have outside of the specific place things are happening. I've asked related questions in other places, but I think this is the most accurate.)
Forgive me if the tags are inaccurate, I know nothing about any of this.
In other regions, such as the Carolinas, the climax ecosystem is for infrequent forest fires -- relatively moist forest that in absence of human intervention would burn perhaps on the order of once per century, during an unusually dry summer. This creates a forest with a lot of deadwood, moss, and so on, material that make fires very intense when they do happen.
Where is the boundary between the two? The references I have found so far, remark in general terms that western states tend to have frequent forest fires and eastern states infrequent forest fires; can it be narrowed down more precisely than that? Is there a map available showing the extent of each, or even a list of which states would fall primarily into each category? Or does reasonably correspond to something for which maps are readily available, such as Köppen climate classification?
In all cases, I'm interested in what the climates would produce in the absence of human intervention, i.e. the boundaries in temperature and rainfall conditions that would produce each kind of forest (or, in even drier conditions, no forest at all), not the changes in groundcover and fire frequency brought about by human activity.
- 基于表面的:例如,基于表面的镜面基础设施,[29]保护或扩大极地海冰和冰川,包括使用绝缘毯子或人工雪,[30][31]使用浅色的屋顶材料和其他人造表面(即道路和外部油漆),试图改变海洋的亮度,种植高反照率的作物,或在选定的地区分发空心玻璃珠以增加冰覆盖和降低温度。[32]
- 基于对流层:例如海洋云增亮,通过喷射细海水使云变白,从而增加云的反射率。
- 基于高层大气:产生反射气溶胶,如平流层硫酸盐气溶胶,专门设计
自悬浮气溶胶,[33]或其他物质。李李< / > < >空间:空间遮阳篷-用天基镜子,灰尘,[34]等阻挡太阳辐射二氧化碳去除
- 创造生物炭(即在生物质燃烧的热电厂),用于混合到土壤中创建terra preta
- 生物能源与碳捕获和存储,以隔离碳并同时提供能量碳空气捕获去除碳
从环境空气中二氧化碳- 植树造林,海洋造林和海洋施肥(包括海洋铁肥)
为什么这些方法都没有实施?发展地球工程的风险是什么?< / p >
我正在试图了解森林边缘风速的计算。我在风模拟和概况方面很新,所以如果问简单的问题,我很抱歉。< / p >
I have found that it is possible to calculate the wind speed as log wind profile based on friction velocity, roughness length (${z0}$), zero place displacement (${d}$), and von Karman's constant (${k}$). As I am working at forest edge, my estimates are:
z0 = 0.06 # m, roughness length, 1/10 of the surface roughness, forest:0.5-1m d = h/3*2 # m, zero place displacement, height (m) above the ground with 0 wind speed (2/3 or 3/4 of average height of obstacles) k = 0.41 # no unit, von Karman constant
# predict speeds for individual segments of the tree u_z = frict_velocity/k*log((z-d)/z0)
However, it seems that friction velocity is not a constant, and needs to be calculated based on the wind speed measured at two heights. Well, I don't have two heights. The highest estimation I can get is that wind speed above canopy is ${12ms^{-1}}$ and at the height ${d}$ is 0, as estimated above. The formula is specified as shear velocity:
u_canopy = 12 # speed on canopy top u_d = 0 # speed on height d, which is 0 z_canopy = 25 # height of the canopy, equals tree height z_d = d # height of the wind speed 0, equals to d frict_velocity = k*(u_canopy - u_d)/log((z_canopy - d)/(z_d - d))
Well, this approach obviously predict just values higher than ${d}$, even if all tree segments should have 0 value instead.
Is my prediction of the wind speed on every segment ${z}$ right? Or, is there a way how to simply use the "friction velocity" constant, as I don't have wind speed estimation at two vertical heights?
My goal is to predict wind speed on every segment (${z}$) and convert it to wind force to uproot the tree. The models should be included within a simulation study, so instead of specific single tree condition I am hoping to get some more general relationships.
哪些变量是计算大空间范围内密集种群树木覆盖的碳固存所必需的?我希望从事一个有人向我和我的团队提出的项目。我们目前正处于确定可能性的阶段,因为我们只是初级分析师,而不是地球科学家,尽管我们中的一些人有环境/地球科学的背景。江南体育网页版据我所知,树木固碳需要计算树胸高、年龄、地上、地下生物量和土壤碳。< / p >
Given that I am able to collect data on Tree cover percentage of a large spatial range say Europe from the MODIS landsat, would it be possible to calculate carbon sequestration from this alone?
Link: https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/products/mod44bv006/
If I am to collect soil biomass at some depth how would this contribute to the dataset in calculating carbon sequestration?
I am happy to receive some articles that can help me formulate this together or other datasets that would suit my purpose. Otherwise, please let me know if this is not possible given the data provided.
来源:< a href = " https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazonia " rel =“nofollow”noreferrer >维基百科< / > < /子> < / p > <人力资源/ > < p > < a href = " https://i.stack.imgur.com/Max1c.jpg " rel =“nofollow”noreferrer > < img src = " https://i.stack.imgur.com/Max1c.jpg " alt = "在这里输入图像描述" / > < / > < / p > < p > <子>最近的火灾在南美,美国国家航空航天局(NASA) < /子> < / p > <人力资源/ > < p >南美着火,我想知道如果没有火灾在亚马逊相关抗火灾由于其过于潮湿,这个问题,或者由于其他原因,如在亚马逊真正的野生地区没有人类活动。
这怎么可能?我可以想象在石头之间到处生长着草或小杂草,种子被风或鸟传播。但土壤是怎么上去的呢?不管到达那里的土壤是“幸运的部分”,都应该被重力、风、雨冲刷掉,不是吗?< / p >
总的来说,CO2的增加和相关的气候变化将如何影响森林和其他植被地区?李< / p > < / > < / ol >
The definition for a carbon sink from Wikipedia is
carbon sink is a natural or artificial reservoir that accumulates and stores some carbon-containing chemical compound for an indefinite period.
And the definition for carbon reservoir is
Carbon-storing natural feature (such as a forest or the land mass) that exchanges carbon with other reservoirs.
My textbook says that mature forests are carbon reservoirs but they are not carbon sinks. So what is the difference between a carbon sink and a carbon reservoir on earth?
我试图理解如何为给定的树建模预期的CO2捕获(我的背景是数学,不是生物学)。我很确定我的逻辑是有缺陷的,但不确定在哪里…< / p >
我希望要求两个森林不会太多。如果是的话,我将把问题换成当今法国或德国最大的森林。< / p >
My best guess and research would lead me to believe the Black Forest was the largest in the period, and after that I'm not sure what the second largest would be. Today, the Landes Forest is the largest in France, but as far as I know that forest was planted in the 19th century.
. .树:“高度锥形茎”是什么意思?< / p >
Taper is a function measuring steepness of change in crown diameter when height increases upwards.
But "highly tapering" (sometimes also "high-degree of taper")? Is it "a large change in taper" (large steepness) or a "fine change in taper over a long height" (low steepness, but high fineness of change)?
什么是“庇护场地”(相对于“暴露场地”)?< / p >
It's used in context of location of trees in bumpy ground areas and weather damage.