我记得在高中时,我了解到山脉经常是一边干燥,另一边郁郁葱葱。解释是,当云层从郁郁葱葱的一面接近山峰时,它会释放出任何雨水,这样它就可以上升到山脉上方。对我来说,这似乎是一个愚蠢的解释,因为从它的表达方式来看,它似乎暗示着云是有认知的。此外,这也意味着云只能(在很大程度上)从郁郁葱葱的一面接近山峰,这可能是真的,也可能不是真的,但我不知道为什么。所以我相信会有更好的解释来解释为什么会这样,但我希望有人能解释。< / p > < p > < / p >感谢
在主要云族中,积云&;类型(包括层积云、高积云等)一般是在不稳定的空气中对流形成的,导致其“块状”;或“;heap-like"形式。层云云,在稳定的空气中通过平流(暖锋之前的层或高层云)或直接辐射冷却(雾)形成。没有对流导致了它们的分层形式。< / p >
Altocumulus lenticularis does not seem to fit this pattern. It develops in stable air, that is being forced to rise perhaps as a result of upwind topography. Unlike other cumulus clouds, the flow of air remains laminar and not turbulent. There is no convection within the cloud, and the only reason that an extended layer of cloud doesn't form is that downwind the air descends, again as a result of the landforms. Lenticularis clouds are known to remain in one place and not move with the wind.
Lenticular clouds are often similar to cap clouds and pileus, which are classified as stratiform clouds.
So, is convection a defining factor for clouds to be classified as "cumulus" or "Altocumulus"? Is the classification of Lenticularis clouds as a species of Altocumulus based mainly on historical precedent, rather than consideration of their mode of formation?
The amount of air being greater in this direction, why is the atmosphere near the horizon whiter (paler) instead of red, orange like at sunset and sunrise?
在阴天的冬天,晚上的云比夏天更亮或更容易被照亮(不确定它们是否只出现在城市/城镇上空),使它们在晚上看起来是橙色的。我不记得曾经在夏天看到过有这样的云的夜晚,我只知道它们来自冬天。为什么那些云只有在冬天才这么明亮/橙色?它们不就是夏天下雨的云吗?< / p >
Thanks a lot
当约瑟夫·基廷格在Excelsior III居住在102,000英尺(31公里)的高峰高度时,据报道,他在他的高度看到了云。这些云究竟是什么呢?极地平流层云不会像基廷格那样在南方形成,对吧?而夜光云则在更高的中层形成。那是什么云呢?基廷格说,他们在早些时候就被发现了。它们后来被近太空气球或SR-71飞行员观察过吗?< / p >
import xarray as xr import numpy as np import matplotlib。Pyplot作为PLT导入pygrib导入cartopy。CRS作为CCRS进口提单。加载数据集ForecastTestDate。grb2 #filter by atmosphereSingleLayer level =xr.open_dataset('gfs_3_20220402_0000_000. ')grb2',引擎='cfgrib', filter_by_keys={'stepType': 'instant', 'typeOfLevel': 'atmosphere'}) #显示级别信息ds #tcc是大气的数据变量之一#tcc =总云量图,ax=plt.subplots() im=ax.imshow(ds.tcc) fig.colorbar(im, orientation='vertical') plt.show()
很明显,这是很多云,比zoom earth上显示的同一天要多得多。我假设总云量%是倒转的?这是常见的做法和/或它将是相同的其他数据集从同一数据库?< / p >
是什么导致这些特征?为什么会有那么大的尺寸?< / p >
Today, there has been altostratus, altocumulus and cirrus clouds. Most of the clouds are isolated but some have formed extensive 'clumps' of cloud coverage with other clouds. So despite the high pressure system is it possible for there to be a decent amount of cloud generation? Can the ocean evaporate despite there being descending air?
However, why does the dry air cause the water droplets to evaporate in the first place, what provides the water molecules with enough energy to become a gas (water vapour)? Is there an intuitive way to understand this concept without any fancy equations?
From what I have read this process is called entrainment.
In advance, thank you for your answers, I have been trying understand cloud formation and this part really got to me, can't wrap my head around the reason why clouds would dissipate (or partially dissipate) when mixing with dryer air.
当我开始研究GOES的云量卫星图像(例如this)时,我注意到云可以由"羽状物"形成。也就是说,大云有时可以由一个或多个非常小的点翻滚而成。例如,这张由GOES-East GeoColor数据于2021年6月13日创建的gif:
我的问题是:当云以这种方式形成时,为什么它们不是从更大的区域产生——是什么使这些特定的“云源点”形成的?特别的东西吗?而当“云源点” 形成,是什么使它们(通常)局限于小区域——是什么使这些小核点(通常)在面积增长时保持稳定?< / p >
是什么原因?< / p >
公式10和11要求冰水含量。我在GFS grib2文件变量中找不到它。是我错过了,还是可以从现有信息中推导出来。现在我有压强、温度和相对湿度。
问题 GOES-16图像上的阳光是从东方来的吗?显示的是可见光图像,因此在夜间,地球看起来是暗的,而在白天,地球是亮一点的,云是最亮的。
我们可以在热红外卫星图像中获得24小时的云和天气成像。下图是日本和澳大利亚正午时分的热红外图像。我原以为云顶是冷的,内陆是热的,但事实恰恰相反!< / p >
Why is this? What's going on?
Himawari-8 IR1 image from Central Weather Bureau click for full size
< a href="https://i.stack.imgur.com/PZeWG.png" rel="nofollow noreferrer">< a href="https://i.stack.imgur.com/z4oQr.png" rel="nofollow noreferrer">
如果你给我一些提示我会很感激的。谢谢你!< / p >
我是业余摄影师和专业程序员,我正在尝试创建一个应用程序来预测异常美丽的日落(像https://www.flickr.com/photos/photogtom43/11046818033/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/kemoauc/5369790925/)
这样的日落的一个重要因素是云的高度。< / p >
Unfortunately all open weather APIs do not provide this data. I can compute cloud base from provided temperature and dew point, but it is usually much lower than actual clouds - I got about 700-800m, while clouds were above 6000m (I computed clouds altitude using a time after sunset when clouds were still red)
Is there a way to estimate actual clouds altitude using data I can receive from open APIs or get it in some other way?
Earlier today, we experienced temperatures of 31C and it was clear about 2 hours before I went out and noticed the following clouds directly above my house - the entire sky either has this or is very grey.
There is a constant background of thunder and distant lightning is observed - the wind is picking up a bit, though still a breeze. No rain at this stage.
这是5月14日日出后7-9点诺曼底西部的照片,来自可见卫星。奇怪的是,从太空中可以看到它们,它们有2-3英里宽?是喷气发动机的痕迹吗?要查看原始图像,您可以将这些超链接上的时间改写为8-15等等…< / p >
https://archives.meteo60.fr/images_sat_vis/2019/semestre1/Sat_vis_20190514-08h00.png <-hours
Thank you!
在地质学入门实验室,我记得经历了一个过程,试图识别不同的岩石。这些天有一些相当不错的云网站/图表,不仅仅是基本的描述,如这里, 这里,和这里,但伟大的深度网站,如这里,尤其是这些一步一步的指南,如这里和这里。
我知道岩石比云有更多的类型和复杂性,而云的分类往往没有那么有用(部分原因是形成机制相当不明显)。我已经慢慢开始看到引导你识别植物/生物的应用程序越来越多,这很好,但我们有没有什么地方可以指导人们对岩石做同样的事情?< / p >
The following picture is one I took from my the balcony outside my lab (facing east):
The storm was moving to the north (left) and that part of the sky was a featureless heavy cloud. The conditions were as follows:
Ambient temperature: 30C (86F)
Wind: strong, to the north
Conditions: Heavy rain periods, heavy thunder and lightning, about 10 minutes later, the sky cleared, temperature rose and the wind dropped to barely a breeze. Numerous cloud-to-ground and cloud-to-cloud lightning was noticed from this cloud formation.
I am leaning towards this being a 'scud cloud', but a local weather-enthusiast claims it was a weakly formed non-rotating wall cloud.
What type of cloud is this?
Picture taken on September 9 2014... between 5-7 pm in North Georgia, about 40 miles north of Atlanta.