最近30个来自www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 03 - 28 - t14:20:14z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/tag/ore https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/24461 4 为什么地壳中有黄金?
大卫·贝利 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/27775 2022 - 10 - 26 - t14:18:44z 2023 - 03 - 15 - t11:16:54z 我天真地认为,当地球形成并仍处于熔融状态时,所有重的东西,如黄金,都会沉到中心,所以几乎没有东西会留在地壳中,而人类可以接触到它。是“几乎没有”;不是什么都没有吗?或者它是由后来的撞击事件添加到地表的,如维基百科上建议的 ?

为什么地壳中有铀?为什么铀只在地壳中,真的吗?铀的化学性质似乎是这样的,它与较轻的元素一起被带到地表,但金的化学性质不是更不利于这种过程吗?这就是为什么在地壳中黄金比铀少500倍吗?< / p >

//www.hoelymoley.com/q/24876 0 从磁铁矿中提取的非磁性金属
a20 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/15244 2023 - 02 - 12 - t20:55:17z 2023 - 02年- 13 - t02:10:55z 在一次从铁矿石(磁铁矿)中提取铁的尝试中,我们几乎没有成功。但在实验中发现了一些小颗粒的金属状物质(见图)。这种金属没有磁性。会是什么呢?< / p >

We used ore sampled from an abandoned quarry with the following specifications:

Main type of deposit: Iron oxide Host rock: calc -silicate / skarn Wall rock: Felsic volcanic rock Age of deposit: Palaeproterozoic Main metals: Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ag 

We collected the rocks using strong magnets (indicating magnetite). We then smashed them into powder and filtered out the magnetite using magnets. We then mixed it 1:1 by volume with charcoal powder and put them in an improvised crucible, which we heated using a propane torch. Most of the magnetite seemed unaffected (too low temperature I guess, since we did not have a proper, insulated furnace), although we found many silvery-gray shiny grains in the mixture afterwards (as shown in the photo). We could not see these grains before the heating. These grains are not magnetic.

What do you think that this is?

enter image description here

//www.hoelymoley.com/q/23641 1 瑞士的“Bohnerze”豆状矿石
a20 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/15244 2022 - 03 - 25 - t22:59:12z 2022 - 03 - 26 - t05:49:07z 我要去瑞士寻找铁矿石,计划是参观Jura山脉的一些废弃的老矿。我不太确定我在找什么,过去我在其他国家发现过很多磁铁矿,但我不认为这里有。< / p >

In a report by the USGS I found the following passage:

Jura Mountains -- In the Jura Mountains of western Switzerland are found the so-called "Bohnerze" -- pisolitic ores derived from Mesozoic iron-bearing limestones by superficial disintegration during the Eocene epoch. They are low-grade, slightly titaniferous ores which contain 42 per cent of iron after washing.

What does this kind of "Bohnerze" ore actually look like, and how would I best find it? Will the ore be magnetic?

//www.hoelymoley.com/q/22786 4 为什么在化探中不常用氧化铁来寻找矽卡岩型铁矿?
emberbillow //www.hoelymoley.com/users/11924 2021 - 09 - 08 - t05:41:48z 2021 - 09 - 10 - t07:51:50z 我发现,在化探中,矽卡岩型铁矿床一般不采用氧化铁作矢量。铁氧化物作为一种指示元素,实践表明,铁氧化物应是铁矿产勘查的最重要指示元素。有人能解释一下吗?此外,可利用哪些元素找矿矽卡岩铁矿化?< / p >
//www.hoelymoley.com/q/4848 16 地质学家如何找到矿床?
本·霍利 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/2891 2015 - 05 - 10 - t07:18:51z 2021 - 05 - 12 - t10:38:18z 在我的研究中,有很多关于如何提取矿石的信息,但除了“寻找地表构造”之外,我找不到任何关于这些矿床最初是如何被发现的信息。那么,不同类型的矿石会形成什么样的地层呢?还有其他办法找到矿石吗?< / p >
//www.hoelymoley.com/q/21019 2 找矿和低挂果实效应
rwallace //www.hoelymoley.com/users/7911 2021 - 03 - 26 - t09:12:17z 2021 - 03 - 26 - t09:12:17z 我正在努力了解,随着历史的推移,勘探有用矿石的难度是如何增加的。< / p >

Intuitively, I would expect that centuries or millennia ago, you could find deposits, at least of common things like iron and copper, just by walking around looking at rock formations, whereas nowadays those have all been discovered, and to find anything new would take a team of experts carefully analyzing subtle clues from geological maps, perhaps with the aid of exotic instruments like gamma-ray spectrometers.

Is this general intuition correct? If so, are there any available numbers, even plausible estimates, for how much the difficulty has increased in quantitative terms? Anything like 'in preindustrial times, the average prospecting effort to find an iron ore deposit was X months; by 1800 it had increased to Y months'?

//www.hoelymoley.com/q/20570 19 金属和其他元素在每个大陆上吗?
user11937382 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/21488 2020 - 12 - 14 - t05:20:01z 2020 - 12 - 16 - t08:02:02z 我原本以为你只能在世界上的某些地方和矿山深处找到铁、铜和其他东西,但我在YouTube上的几个视频中看到,你可以在地上的岩石中找到铁。我搜索了铜的产地,结果发现,尽管很多铜来自智利,但在世界各地都能找到少量的铜。这是真的吗?我现在能在世界上任何一个地方的森林里找到铜和铁吗?< / p >
//www.hoelymoley.com/q/19331 0 形成斑岩型铜矿的有利条件是什么?
Diksha //www.hoelymoley.com/users/18747 2020 - 02年- 26 - t14:58:20z 2020 - 02年- 26 - t14:58:20z


//www.hoelymoley.com/q/19299 3. 在这样的薄岩层中可能会发现什么矿石?我们能从这个结构推导出什么?
Lakhwinder Sidhu //www.hoelymoley.com/users/13748 2020 - 02 - 24 t10:42:19z 2020 - 02 - 25 - t08:22:24z



//www.hoelymoley.com/q/19125 4 为什么金属在地壳中如此分散?(复制)
Volker西格尔 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/321 2020 - 02年- 05 - t11:15:09z 2020 - 02 - 07 - t22:35:33z 我发现金属矿床是如此分散,而且在地球上分布得不均匀,这非常令人惊讶。< / p >

I do understand that there were various different conditions at some point in time in the places where ore deposits emerged, and the places were somewhat randomly distributed.

But how is it that there so many different conditions happening that all have fundamentally different effects? I would expect many different conditions, that can be grouped in much fewer types regarding the practical effect of the condition.

Or is exactly that the case, and what is surprising is only the numbers involved?

//www.hoelymoley.com/q/17611 10 生活在(稀土)磁性矿石丰富的地方能提供任何免受宇宙辐射的保护吗?
Muze //www.hoelymoley.com/users/5052 2019 - 07 - 31 - t15:48:37z 2019 - 08 - 05 - t15:59:32z 生活在一个富含(稀土)金属的地区,有一个固有的强磁场,能提供任何保护免受宇宙辐射吗?除了北极或南极,哪里的磁场最强?有没有这些地区的地图?< / p >

Related: How would our weather change in the event of a magnetic pole shift?

//www.hoelymoley.com/q/15916 1 采砂集群情况如何?
Noeshel //www.hoelymoley.com/users/14699 2019 - 01 - 09 - t15:23:18z 2019 - 02年- 08 - t20:01:35z


摘自我读的一本关于环境的书,作者不是国际知名的,但我仍然会提到他的名字,Shankar。< / p >

//www.hoelymoley.com/q/16083 3. 一个完全的新手怎么能找到矿石?
劳里·劳伦斯·麦克拉里 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/14994 2019 - 01 - 28 - t06:16:04z 2019 - 01 - 28 - t09:40:34z 我住在澳大利亚悉尼附近,我非常喜欢从荒野中自己开采矿石的想法。我想让我的孩子们亲身体验原始工业是如何开始的。< / p >

Is there some source of public information explaining exactly where you would find surface deposits of ore? Is this going to be achievable for a lay person?

Edit: I'm thinking of copper ore, for example, which can be smelted into pea sized droplets relatively easily using a makeshift clay furnace with bellows. I didn't specify exactly which ore because I realise that ore is regional. I realise that it is unlawful to steal materials out of the environment, but I'm assuming that the likelihood of being prosecuted for conducting a small scale science experiment for your kids is relatively low. taking a couple buckets of gravel is not going to cause an environmental disaster. If the land is privately owned then it may be a matter of simply asking the landowner for permission.

//www.hoelymoley.com/q/15054 3. 地球上哪里的非极性磁场最高?
Muze //www.hoelymoley.com/users/5052 2018 - 09 - 08 - t01:58:55z 2018 - 09 - 10 - t00:23:58z 有没有地方的磁性矿床足够强,磁场比地球的磁极更接近?

我不是在问地球上哪里的磁场强度更强?换句话说,地球上哪里有一个自然的地方可以超越指南针之类的力量?有没有这些磁场线减去地球极磁场线的地图?< / p >

//www.hoelymoley.com/q/13616 1 这是铂金矿石吗?(关闭)
hondo3265 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/12446 2018 - 03 - 15 - t06:03:51z 2018 - 03 - 22 - t12:01:52z

在墨西哥中部被发现。它是非常金属的,有光泽,显示出一些金色和石英条纹。< / p >

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