请问谁能帮我并提供详细信息?< / p >
< em >就像氧气一个乐队在0.76μm或ρστ水蒸气的吸收带约0.9μm < / em > < / > < / p > < /引用> < blockquote > < p > < A href = " https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2002GL016523 " rel = " noreferrer " > < em >研究使用ρστ——蒸汽吸收带< / em > < / > < / p > < /引用> < p >它为什么叫做ρστ吸收带吗?< / p >
*我想了解地面控制点(GCP)以东意味着什么,以及有x m的rmse和最小a m意味着什么。
GCP以东和北部的平均均方根误差(rmse)分别为'x'和'y' m,最小值为'a' m,最大值为'b' m。
我正在试图研究森林生物量和森林的碳量。首先,我研究了一些论文,他们提到森林的年龄与生物量有关。那么,我们如何测量树的年龄呢?估算树龄的实用方法是什么?< / p >
当看GOES卫星图像时,在可见频道。我注意到这些“线条”;通常在积云场中形成。我理解了“鲭鱼天空”(人字骨云)的过程,以及封盖是如何创造积云线条的外观的……但是,有时似乎会有一条静止的下降气流线,导致云层“消散”/消失,然后在另一边重新出现。这是由于图片在高纬度拉伸造成的图像异常吗?还是大气重力波?知道的吗?< / p >
Here are some screenshots with red lines marking the area's I'm talking about and there are links to full video's below. You will probably have to watch the video's to get a good idea of what I'm talking about.
This one might be the same process, but I'm not sure?
I remember reading about light and laser based scatterometers that measured dark pulses as water droplets passed through the beam between a light source and a detector and attenuated it, and also bright pulses seen in detectors off to the side that recorded small and large angle scattered light from the water droplets.
Analysis of histograms of the amplitudes of the bright and dark pulses and to some extent other parameters allowed for an analysis of droplet size frequencies along the path that an aircraft flew in real time.
Question: What are those optical precipitation and water droplet characterization instruments called that they put on meteorological aircraft? How do they work?
Given the below image, which are on the same extents, each of the SAR pixels (cells) covers the same area as for 17689 panchromatic cells (so 6 SAR cells cover ~ 106400 pan. cells ).
But the question is: a 20x20m pixel covers a lot of different materials (cars, land, water, cement and etc.), so what constitutes which number (how much amplitude) goes to each of the 20x20m cells.
Is it an average of all the incoming amplitudes to the SAR antenna?
Is it the strongest amplitude that wins the pixel value?
Or a different story? It would be much obliged if you attach some additional reference to your answer.
I've already asked this question on another forum but no one has answered it.
What (if any) "原位仪器"是在布伦特冰架上,能探测到它的分裂和断裂?< / p >
This answer to my question The giant 6,000 km2 iceberg A-68; will ground-truth telemetry supplement satellite tracking data? suggests that there was no GPS tracking of iceberg A-68 (which still surprises me!) but does the Brunt Ice Shelf have GPS and automatic telemetry?
Note: The BBC article contains the following possibly helpful links:
This remote-sensing data is processed by the ENVEO (Environmental Earth Observation) company, in Innsbruck, Austria; and ENVEO staff are co-authors on a new paper with the Northumbria team that is under review in The Cryosphere journal.
Source: NASA, LandSat, USGS, BBC
I would appreciate incites in this matter and also if I could find published literature on this subject.
I guess it can be done by displaying the true color image as a grayscale image, then this grayscale image can be seen as a panchromatic image. Or I can convert the RGB format image to HIS format, then the insensity component can be seen as the panchromatic image. I am not sure whether it is right.
我想知道气溶胶粒径(2,5和10微米)与Sentinel-5P TROPOMI数据的测量值之间的关系,在波长340-380和358-388 nm波段
问题:实际上,天气预报站是如何测量湿度的?偏远地区和人们经常去的地方有什么区别吗?在北极和热带条件下使用的仪器有区别吗?< / p >
Thank you very much, Irene B.
The Sentinel product gives you different layers, as you can see in the image, the NO2 gives a layer of tropospheric data and another of stratospheric data... by making this separation, shouldn't they be assuming a limit to the height of the column in which the data is separated by layers? I understand that the height of the limit of these can vary, but I would like to arrive at an approximate average value.
For example, in case of semi-arid environments where there is a lot of bare soil and sparse vegetation, NDVI is not recommended as it is influenced by bare soil. And that is why indices such as the Modified Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (MSAVI) is used for such landscapes.
Qi, J., Chehbouni, A., Huete, A. R., Kerr, Y. H., & Sorooshian, S. (1994). A modified soil adjusted vegetation index. Remote sensing of environment, 48(2), 119-126.
我正在使用Sentinel-5p产品,我的最后一篇论文是建立一种处理这类图像的方法,从下载到根据浓度不同分布的彩色地图的实现。在这个问题上的任何帮助对我都是很大的帮助。< / p >
I download the products from ''Sentinel-5p Pre-operations Data Hub'', but the L2, ozone and sulphur dioxide products do not open in SNAP(Sentinel Application Platform) CO, NO and the aerosol index do open. I have read other forums and they tell me that they are not compatible and that I should download toolboxes, but I don't know how to do it.
I would be very grateful to anyone who has worked with me and would like to help me.
我想将OMI AURA数据中的NO2列数量(分子/cm2)转换为ppm,以便与其他文献进行比较。这能做到吗?有标准的做法吗?
我看过很多次,它们是两种卫星图像显示在网站上,如印度Skymet 即
< ul>气象卫星图像
我想了解它们之间的基本区别。我在这里添加了两张卫星图像(分别是Meteosat和Insat图像),日期为20/02/2016,时间为上午8:00 (IST),以便在视觉上更好地理解。
I am working on a remote sensing tool that uses only one input dataset (containing multiple fields) which accomplishes a task that has previously required more than one dataset with quite a bit of uncertainty coming from the other datasets. I think that's kind of novel.
Consequently, I am wondering if there is an existing name for an algorithm which uses only one dataset that distinguishes it from previous algorithms using multiple input sets?
My instincts (read: "love of coffee") tell me to refer to it as a "single-origin" algorithm, but surely there must be a name for this already.
Any insight is greatly appreciated.
(Source: NASA, https://visibleearth.nasa.gov/images/57735/the-blue-marble-land-surface-ocean-color-sea-ice-and-clouds)
This is one of NASA's composite images. Here, the Sahara is yellow.
(Source: NASA, https://visibleearth.nasa.gov/images/55418/the-blue-marble-from-apollo-17)
This is a photo from an Apollo mission. Here, the Sahara is an orange/red ochre. This is a very different color.
I realize that there are annual variations to be expected in the color of the landscape, but the above differences seem to be too large to be accounted for by that effect.
Is the Sahara ochre or yellow?