用户堆栈chiggsy -地球江南体育网页版科学交流江南电子竞技平台
2023 - 08 - 11 - t10:39:42z
//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/12207/will-global-warming-lead-to-agriculture-in-the-arctic/12624?cid=53041 # 12624
2021 - 10 - 15 - t23:57:23z
2021 - 10 - 15 - t23:57:23z
这绝对是正确的做法。我晕倒了。这是大约20年前。海上全是果冻。They'll die and sink and decay and turn the oceans anoxic, them and all the algae we grew dumping phosphate into the ocean. Anyway those vikings in Greenland were not farming in 45C weather! It was that hot here this summer, people were literally dropping dead. The essential problem is that America already has the good farmland. In fact, before you go north to the Yukon, all the people from the coast will be moving inland. right?
//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/12207/will-global-warming-lead-to-agriculture-in-the-arctic/12624?cid=53038 # 12624
2021 - 10 - 15 - t22:56:44z
2021 - 10 - 15 - t22:56:44z
这些冻土带持有大量的甲烷。Currently it's methyl hydrate, but if it's warm enough to farm the Great Slave Lake, then that methane is coming out. Ugh. Death spiral. We'll be covered in flies and bitten head to toe, that's how it goes in the North, flies by day and ticks by night, farming in the cool 39C degrees breeze at 2am, dressed head toe because flies. Fishing? Turns out jellyfish love our garbage, and the seas are full of them. I saw a guy get stung when I lived in the Philippines. I ran to help him. Got stung a little. He was screaming like he was a baby....
//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/22974/why-is-the-arctic-melting-but-the-antarctic-doing-great/22981?cid=53035 # 22981
2021 - 10 - 15 - t19:25:20z
2021 - 10 - 15 - t19:25:20z
It's not volcanoes, I believe it's a mantle plume growing under Antarctica, with the potential for vulcanism on the order of the Deccan Traps. Also these systems are definitely chaotic. Younger Dryas events, where the gulf stream shuts down, are common, this is what caused the Little Ice Age. climate.nasa.gov/news/2649/… Should be a real spectacle.
//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/22974/why-is-the-arctic-melting-but-the-antarctic-doing-great/22986?cid=53034 # 22986
2021 - 10 - 15 - t18:54:27z
2021 - 10 - 15 - t18:54:27z
这是确切的答案。一旦澳大利亚南极挣脱了,暖流不能热南极洲这样说,英格兰,这比拉布拉多更北的地方。缺席的大陆桥,冷盐水环顾南极洲拒绝密度较低赤道暖流。小小的太阳,因为它的两极。Warm tropical water would help, but it can't get by the gyre around Antarctica. Ice forms, albedo rises, and positive feedback does the rest. The Arctic, not having said current , or land, is just ice. Melt some and heat the water below, and ...+ve feedback again
//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/22536/what-significant-factors-influencing-geological-change-are-still-occurring/22539?cid=50995 # 22539
2021 - 07 - 17 - t00:21:59z
2021 - 07 - 17 - t00:21:59z