最近30从earthscience.meta.stackexchange.com 2023 - 07 - 11 - t01:25:15z https://earthscience.meta.stackexchange.com/feeds/question/1859 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf https://earthscience.meta.stackexchange.com/q/1859 5 回顾农业是否在主题
大卫Hammen https://earthscience.meta.stackexchange.com/users/239 2020 - 05 - 06 - t18:11:17z 2021 - 10 - 19 - t09:00:58z < p >高度相关,但从来没有解决:< a href = " https://earthscience.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/1586 " >是农业主题吗?< / > < / p > < p >网站有几个农业相关问题,绝大多数已被关闭的八卦。最近的问题与农业相关要求(真正的精准农业的影响是什么?这个问题已经关闭的八卦。这个问题引起了我写这元的问题。< / p > < p >绝对没有在官方网站的文档表明问题与农业有关的八卦。To the contrary, the site has an tag has a usage guidance, but no details. The usage guidance says agriculture is

The cultivation of food and materials, specifically from or derived from plants and animals using traditional or modern industrial practices.

That strongly implies, at least to me, that all of agriculture is on topic at this site. Given that, the basis for closing the recent spate of agriculture questions is (at least to me) dubious. This is not like the recent "let's stop identifying rocks" debate. Those rock questions were of very limited applicability. Questions about agriculture can have a much wider applicability than can even the best rock ID question.

That said, there are reasons that we might want to continue to close questions related to agriculture.

  1. Questions on agriculture are even more boring than are questions about rock identification. Note very well: I wrote the above with my tongue deeply impaled in my cheek.

  2. There are other stackexchange sites that can answer some questions related to agriculture. The Sustainable Living and Gardening & Landscaping SE sites certainly have some overlap with regard to agriculture; the former even has an agriculture tag. Perhaps more surprising, the Geographic Information Systems also addresses some agricultural questions; this site also has an agriculture tag. Of particular interest is that the GIS SE site has a number of questions (with answers!) regarding precision agriculture.

  3. We don't have the expertise to answer such questions. This might well be the real reason. If that is the case, we should admit this short falling. But note very well: Taking this route is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Regardless of the outcome of the discussion, the agriculture tag is in need of refinement. The refinement is simple if the end result of this discussion is that all questions related to agriculture are off-topic.

If the decision is that some questions related to agriculture are on-topic but others are off-topic, good luck coming up with a rationale. Whether a question related to agriculture is left open or has been closed as off-topic has been highly capricious. Closing a question as off topic that integrates multiple aspects of the Earth Sciences (which is exactly what precision agriculture does) seems a bit ... odd.

https://earthscience.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/1859/-/1860 # 1860 3 弗雷德回答的回顾农业是否在主题
弗雷德 https://earthscience.meta.stackexchange.com/users/2470 2020 - 05 - 07 - t14:38:15z 2020 - 05 - 07 - t14:38:15z < p >我认为主要的问题是,什么是地球科学,它意味着什么?江南体育网页版< / p > < p >我仍然站在我给的答案< a href = " https://earthscience.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/1586/is-agriculture-on-topic " > < em >是农业适合学生观众的主题类? < / em > < / >。< / p > < blockquote > < p >与农业元素只要问题关心的地球科学方面农业等,但不限于:土壤科学;江南体育网页版气象、地下水;土地利用及其对环境的影响,无论是本地或更普遍,那么这些问题将话题。< / p > < p >然而,当关于农业问题更多关于农业技术和方法等的最佳方法使用重型机械或改善作物产量然后这些问题将是主题。< / p > < /引用> < p >我也同意其他答案,写的< em > @haresfur < / em >。< / p > < blockquote > < p >…我也会考虑对产量或品质育种的话题,但繁殖应对气候变化和水压力,在某些情况下可能在主题。问题地球科学整合进作物模型将话题。< / p > < /引用> < p >我也倾向于同意你的第三点,我们很可能没有能力回答大多数关于农业问题。我希望这个网站有更多的成员可以回答这些问题。

Other aspects of this site are it's diversity: meteorology, geology, oceanography, geophysics, seismology, ecology, environmental science, climate, glaciology, atmospheric science, hydrology, soil science, ... We have a significant number of members, but compared to other SE sites, only a small number are very active.

As to whether the question What is real impact of Precision Agriculture? is on topic, what is the earth science element to the question? I'm quite prepared to vote to re-open it, but is " ... whole farm management with the goal of optimizing returns on inputs while preserving resources ..." really about earth science, or is it about anthropogenic changes to the earth (farming) and its benefit to humans? Convince me which fork in the road I should take.

https://earthscience.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/1859/-/1861 # 1861 4 答案为重新审视农业是否在gerrit话题
gerrit https://earthscience.meta.stackexchange.com/users/6 2020 - 05 - 10 - t08:11:42z 2020 - 05 - 10 - t08:37:03z < p >许多农业问题是适合学生观众的主题类,但不是全部,所以我不认为一条毯子< em > < / em >是合适的。我将回答这个问题类似于< a href = " https://earthscience.meta.stackexchange.com/q/1852/6 " >经济地理< / >,与一些例子。农业是适合学生观众的主题类?< em >视情况而定!< / em > < / p > < p >农业非常广泛,许多农业问题有地球科学元素,但肯定是农业问题,地球科学专业没有回答它,永远不会,哪些应该保留的八江南体育网页版卦。农业不仅包括地球科学,还涉及法律问题,经济学、动物健康、宗教江南体育网页版¹,技术细节等方面。< / p > < p >一些问题我做了,我希望是适合学生观众的主题类专用的农业网站:< / p > < ul > <李> < em >如何判断我的母羊怀孕了吗?< / em >——八卦,但无疑对农业李< / > <李> < em >我如何估算放牧的土地可以处理吗?< / em > -适合学生观众的主题类(以适当的细节)< /李> <李> < em >我如何配置机器X传播只有一半农药的浓度?< / em >——跑题,技术设备不感兴趣的Earh科学家李< / > <李> < em >我怎么能确定一个可持续的上边界为农药X Y条件?< / em >——适合学生观众的主题类,它是关于土壤、水文、环境影响李< / > <李> < em >我的法律义务是什么如果我想移动我的灌木篱墙吗?< / em >——八卦< /李> < / ul > < p >也看到那些< a href = " https://stackexchange.com/filters/384965/agricultural-questions " >最近问农业问题在网络上< / >,这说明农业问题的各种各样的方面,其中一些是地球科学相关的,其中一些不是。江南体育网页版< / p > < p >我认为相同的挖掘。 Questions about the geology or the impact of mining are on-topic, but on understanding the instruction manual for some piece of mining equipment are not. However, mining questions aren't nearly as scattered as agriculture questions: there are sixteen sites with agriculture questions, and only seven for mining, where it means something completely different in the top three (Ethereum, Monero, and Stack Overflow); interestingly, Space SE has more than twice as many mining questions as Earth Science. Not sure what that says about our communities :)

¹Of all the agricultural questions across the network, the Judaism site is second only tho Worldbuilding in number of questions.

https://earthscience.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/1859/-/1862 # 1862 1 答案由EarlGrey回顾农业是否主题
EarlGrey https://earthscience.meta.stackexchange.com/users/5887 2020 - 05 - 15 - t09:24:48z 2020 - 05 - 15 - t09:24:48z < p > tl;博士< / p > 江南体育网页版< p >是地球科学=地球科学?如果是的,请注意数组的主题< a href = " http://www.ga.gov.au/ " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " >澳大利亚地球科学政府办公室< / >或< a href = " http://geoscience.org.za/ " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " > < / >南非。包括采矿、气候、洪水而不是农业(尽管一些土壤调查进行)。地球科江南体育网页版学超过地球科学吗?那么是的,肯定农业属于这里。< / p > <人力资源> < p >主要问题是这个频道是“地球科学”和地球门外汉=一切身体上,江南体育网页版化学或电连接到地球。一个土豆植物可能是园艺,但大规模的马铃薯种植是门外汉/女信徒业务或地球科学(他很好对的…江南体育网页版他应该在他寻找答案宗教频道吗?)。对冲修剪绿化园艺,但知道什么类型的土壤(成分和pH值)适用于对冲增长显然将地球科学。江南体育网页版< / p > < p >农业,地震,雷暴,遭受严重水患影响,植物都属于这里。< / p > < p >如果通道的名称是地球科学,这是另一个故事,但是因为它是地球科学,农业问题应该是受欢迎的。江南体育网页版< / p > < p >关于矿业:为什么不能是地球科学呢?江南体育网页版 If we discuss weather since it is a byproduct of climate, then we can discuss mining which is a byproduct of tectonics and fluid movement.
