(我问在主元)[1]帮助塞代查询问题,答案和问题在地球科学的历史堆栈交易所自2014年开始以来。江南电子竞技平台江南体育网页版(在这里你可以检查查询的问题,答案,普通票,问题和downvotes][2]由用户(rene)[3](所有的数据集都是每个月更新)。分析- - - - - - < h3 > < / h3 >我修改SQL语句(查询有关问题和答案)[4]。我添加了趋势线。[![在这里输入图像描述][5]][5]我想开始一些问题是存储和逐步解放,但我不知道如何开始一个网站。然后是在2014年和2020年之间越来越倾向。2019年底我们有一个选择的答案。我也把这与事件。一是的确,我们开始第一次出现在谷歌搜索作为“帮助识别我的磐石”和世界plentifull人试图知道岩石他们发现。 The other is user Michael Walsby was giving non sourced wrong opinions in every question he saw in the forum. The drop came when we banned those low quality questions and [we deleted all the questions][6] solving the issue, and when moderators suspended Walsby account in mars 2020. Then the tendency continued being a bit positive. That's good. ----------------- I did [another query for only upvotes][7] to see if I could infere more analysis: [![enter image description here][8]][8] We have a decreasive tendency and something that breaks the general tendency between 2018 and mid 2020. That something is the id-my-rocks questions we started to receive massively in 2018 after appearing in Google searches. The general tendency is a site health problem. It should be related with a decrease in the number of quality answers and with the loose of active users also voting. Both are a sign of loose in active experts. That's bad. ---------------- I did [another query for comments][9] [![enter image description here][10]][10] Comments have a positive tendency until the beginning of 2020, when we banned id-my-rock questions and user Michael Walsby was suspended. That's good too. They have a pick related the discussions and then drop. Then the tendency is not clear and it would be too risky in my opinion to make an analysis. ---------- 


In my opinion, for the next years our biggest challenge is to atract and loyalty more experts. If we want to loyalty askers, we need, if possible, to give more than one answer or two to a good question and upvote the question strongly to try to encourage the poster not to leave the site once his doubt is solved. I will use a quote of World Chess Champion Emmanuel Lasker to encourage people to post complementary answers: > “When you see a good move, look for a better one.” To loyalty experts, we should not forget to reward the answerers for their time to encourage them to stay in the site and go for the moderation privileges. I encourage also people to talk to your partners about the site and to put a link if you have a site about Earth Sciences. [1]: https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/384569/can-someone-make-a-query-of-number-of-questions-answers-and-average-upvotes-on [2]: https://data.stackexchange.com/earthscience/query/1686098/questions-answers-comments-upvotes-and-downvotes-since-2014#graph [3]: https://meta.stackexchange.com/users/158100/rene [4]: https://data.stackexchange.com/earthscience/query/1686097/questions-and-answers-on-earth-science#graph [5]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/CwLgV.png [6]: https://earthscience.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/1905/list-of-identify-my-rock-questions-to-delete-status-completed [7]: https://data.stackexchange.com/earthscience/query/1686108/upvotes-since-2014#graph [8]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/bbIAG.png [9]: https://data.stackexchange.com/earthscience/query/1686110/comments-since-2014#graph [10]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/v6W9w.png [11]: https://earthscience.meta.stackexchange.com/a/1985/27958