原则上地震是简单,即。,的fault accumulates strain and then eventually slips/ruptures. The million dollar question is what triggers it, and till date there has not been a single reliable precursor.
就像预测一个木制的失败(例如,巴尔沙)坚持用手弯曲双方,即。,you know it will break more or less somewhere near the center, where the strain is highest (assuming homogeneity in properties and geometry) but getting the timing right is significantly harder and very difficult to reproduce. It is even harder in case of earthquakes, given the heterogeneity, non-linearity in the system.
所以时间会让它变得容易预测大地震的位置,当我们使用现代工具如GPS监测应变积累,InSAR等等,但找准时机,甚至在几年之内将更加困难。例如,我们知道,南部圣安德烈亚斯是由于对地震(基于滑移量赤字)最后大地震是在1857年。但是这次地震发生,今天,在五年或未来50年内,是未知的。在南加州说,额外的错误(例如,圣哈辛托和埃尔西诺)的情况略甚至更加复杂。同样适用于伊斯坦布尔附近的北安纳托利亚断层,即。,we know that an earthquake will occur there soon, as the entire plate boundary except the part near Istanbul had ruptured at least once in the last hundred years. See在这里为更多的细节。