意味着平均不是非常有用因为因为阅读可以相互抵消绝对意味着平均。我主要是认为这是最有用的。然而,我感到困惑,因为当我减去预测——观察我发现大约500个读数的13500有很大的不同(约摄氏10度)。我应该包括这些异常值或删除它们?方平均误差和根方意味着错误为我提供有价值的见解吗?编辑:嘿,每一个人。谢谢你的反馈。我的问题是,我给4个不同偏差校正方法,我想创建一个多模型与平等的投票。我想现在偏差纠正方法更合适:分位数映射和扩展分布映射(γ和正常的修正)。为了做到这一点(表明偏差纠正是有用的)我发现平均绝对误差,方平均误差和根方平均误差找到最准确的模型。 Then performed bias correction with all methods and used the same metrics again. Also I created the multi model(basically it s the average of the models). Thus I created a plot with a single model, a multi model and a multi model with bias correction. With these metrics, I saw that the most accurate was the scaled distribution mapping with normal corrections which makes sense since temperature follows a normal distribution over the years (basically it has the lowest Mean Absolute Error) I based the comparison on MAE because I read that we usually use it to compare models etc