
Does the IPCC publish its references (i.e. the references used in the report,notcitations for the reports or chapters themselves) beyond what is in the PDFs of the reports themselves?

I'm looking for something like a RIS or BibTeX file (or even a cleanly formatted CSV) of all the references cited, for each of the chapters of AR6 and hopefully AR5. Copying and pasting references out of the Chapter PDFs available on the IPCC's website is a formatting mess not conducive to any sort of analysis on the references.


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These are now available for each Working Group report via its respective downloads page:

There are separate BibTeX files for each chapter, for example, the URL for the WG1 Chapter 1 references is,



    我一直希望这一段时间。最好的所以lution I have found is to find the references in Google Scholar and then export the citation from there. It's not infallible, but it does mean that you don't have to type in the huge number of authors by hand


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