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6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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4 votes
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Why is the global warming potential of methane and ozone so much higher than CO2?

When sources describe global warming potential of different gasses, such as in this paper on radiative forcing, methane and tropospheric ozone respectively are given GWP values of around 29 and 65. ...
  • 141
3 votes
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How can a single layer atmospheric model for the greenhouse effect be consistent with adiabatic temperature gradient and optical depth considerations?

I'm completely lost...In an elementary course on meteorology, we recently learned how to explain the greenhouse effect in terms of a simple single-layer atmosphere model. Based on the image below ...
  • 597
3 votes
0 answers

How quickly can global means surface temperatures react to changes in CO2?

I am interested in whether short term (approximately decadal) variations in atmospheric CO2 would be observable in the consequent variability in Global Mean Surface Temperatures (GMSTs) as a result of ...
2 votes
2 answers

How much does overpopulation affect the carbon dioxide concentration in the air in terms of just breathing?

I'm not talking about other artificial human activities like fossil fuels or cars or cattle farming. I meant just in terms of breathing, how much did the CO2 level of the earth increase because of the ...
1 vote
0 answers

How serious is the issue of vast quantities of methane release from an ice-free Arctic?

A bunch of climate scientists claim that humans will go extinct by 2026, when humanity crosses the major tipping point known as "Arctic Blue Ocean Event (BOE)". According to the climate ...
1 vote
0 answers

The climate effect of the Russian industrial collapse in the early 90's

In 1982 ExxonMobil made this diagram with a slightly excess of the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide and global warming. Can this error be explained by the Russian industrial collapse in the ...
  • 331
